I'm not sure if you really want to suppress your appetite, even if it seems appealing right now. I consider myself knowledgeable regarding nutrition, exercise, etc. and have really tried to hone my crazy appetite since I've been breastfeeding by eating smarter. Products like Slimfast are interesting because they are similar to multi-vitimins. These products combine every vitamin and mineral you need into one food item. Unfortunately, the human body cannot absorb all of these at once, some actually cancel each other out (ie. iron & calcium: iron inhibits calcium absorption). Additionally, some vitamins and/or minerals are only water/fat soluable (absorbed in water or with fat), so most of us don't really get much out of our Slimfast/multi-vitamin product we use. Thus, most people tend to over eat with these products because their bodies still need carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. that they didn't absorb in the single serving of the Slimfast product. You probably know why you're hungry, either not eating the correct things (as you mentioned)or maybe you're just not taking in enough usable calories and your body is responding to this by saying, "help! I'm still hungry". Since you have other children you might already know the deal, but you do eat quite a bit more when you're nursing and really need to. Especially if you are taking care of other children and burning extra calories. Sorry, I know this is not what you were looking for, but I'm trying to persuade you not to put something that you're body isn't going to benefit from into it when what you really need is the nutrition from the food (you know that there is no fix-all product). I generally eat a lot (granted, I'm bigger than the average woman, 6'3), but while I've been nursing my appetite has also been a bit out of control. I really started to pay attention to what I was eating, especially since I'm also a very active person and need all the nutrition I can get from my food to keep such a large body going. Since I began this process I feel a lot more energized and satisfied after eating. The trick is to remember to snack between meals as well. Remember, your body needs good, quality fuel to produce milk, work, and take care of the other children. That's a lot of energy output for one human body, even if you aren't someone who exercises regularly. Most of us know what we should be doing it's just a motivation/time factor. When I decided to get my act together I wasn't just thinking about what I needed to do for myself, it was what I thought my daughter needed to be healthy while her only nutrition was coming from my milk.