Is My Toddler Underweight?

Updated on March 29, 2010
A.M. asks from Fresno, CA
27 answers

My son is 23 months and weighs 23 pounds is he to small? I get so tired of people saing ah hes so little. At first i didnt mind but its always the same people and now its making me mad. Our doctor neveer tells us anything is wronge with him. Sometimes hes picky but usually a good eater. And he is so full of energy he never sits still and isnt all sluggish. So does he sound like a typical toddler or do you think i should be worried!

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answers from San Francisco on

My 3yo son has always been on the short side, so I just smile and nod when people say how small he is. He makes up for it in other ways like how well he speaks and articulates and his HUGE vocabulary. It sounds completely normal, and please don't let others make you feel that something is wrong just because he's little! If he's happy and energetic, he's just fine :)

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answers from Sherman on

As long as he's hitting milestones you have nothing to worry about. My daughter is almost 4 and weighs 25 lbs. My son is 5 and weight 33 lbs. My youngest is 22 months and 19 lbs 5 oz.

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answers from Sacramento on

My 5 year old is only 30 lbs. The dr have tested him on different things and it always comes out he is just little. I have come to the conclusion I would rather him be little than too big. If the dr doesn't worrie about it than you shouldn't I would ask the dr though.

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answers from San Francisco on

I know this feeling! I wouldn't worry about it if your pediatrician isn't worried. For your own peace of mind, you could ask your peditrician directly if he/she thinks your son is too small. My daughter is 14 months and has always been small, though right on track developmentally. There was one appointment where her weight had dropped from the 10th percentile to the 5th. The pediatrician didn't say anything, so I asked if he thought she was too small. He said he wasn't worried based on her growth pattern (her weight had always been between the 5th and 10th percentiles). He also said to let her eat as much as she wants, but that she'd probably be one of those kids who can eat and eat and still always be on the small side. It was very reassuring to hear him spell it out like that.

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answers from San Francisco on

My daughter was tiny at your son's age, just below the chart, but also chatty and busy. In grade school, she was smallest in her class. The doctor noted on her chart that we have small people in our family and left it at that. Both my kids were in car seats forever, long after most their friends. Today, at 19, my daughter is 5' 6" and 122 lbs. My son was also small. He will not be a giant of a man, but at 16 he is suddenly 5' 9" -- as tall as his father -- and may grow another inch or so.

If your doctor were concerned, you would know already. I have a niece who did have low weight issues between ages one and two, and the doctor was very involved with suggestions. My sister had to work to boost the calorie content of all her foods, adding melted butter, cream cheese, etc.

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answers from Sacramento on

If it makes you feel better, you can look up his weight on a percentile chart like this one:

My son has gone through periods of being very small (5th percentile or so) for weight, but he has had energy, he eats well, and he's meeting his milestones, so I don't worry about it. My doctor agreed. There's WIDE variation in kids' sizes--just like with adults. Would you be as worried if you child were really big? Probably not. My guess is your child is right on track. If your child is missing key milestones (motor skills, verbal skills etc), then you might have more reason to worry and you could seek a second opinion.

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answers from Stockton on

I know how you many people have told me how small our son is; he's almost 4 and weighs 35 pounds. His pediatrician is not concerned. He definitely sounds like a typical toddler! Sometimes, people just need to keep quiet!

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answers from Sacramento on

I wouldn't worry about it unless the doctor is worried about it. If he is healthy and happy other than being a little slim then no worries! He will catch up in time. My daughter always seemed underweight too and for a little while the doctors were a bit concerned but in time she caught up and is just right. She's very tall for her age but very slim... make sure you buy jeans with the adjustable waist band! Those have saved us from seeing her butt and her looking like a plumber.... most the time! Smile!

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answers from San Francisco on


From what you have posted, it doesn't sound like you have any reason to worry about your son's health or growth. He may be on the smaller side of the "normal" range, but is active and eats well ...that's all.
I can sure empathize with getting annoyed at constant comments, though! Perhaps, coming up with a reply for those annoying people would be helpful ...then you already know what you're going to say in advance and it can be "automatic" ...maybe they'll finally take the hint when you say the same thing each time. Good luck, and enjoy your happy healthy little boy!

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answers from Bakersfield on

Oh how easy it is for well meaning people to cause pain and grief! My daughter was 6lbs at birth, and always in the lower end of the healthy range of growth. At 4 she's finally catching up to her peers, but has always been seen as small. But she is healthy, met all her developmental milestones appropriately (often early), and she's an energetic happy preschooler. If your doctor is not worried, if he's healthy and developing, then maybe he's just a little guy. Not everyone fits into the middle of bell curve that we call average!

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answers from Washington DC on

No that sounds about average , my 20 month old is 24lb. My middle daughter was 20lb at 20 months. If he has maintained a steady weight gain since birth , the ped is not concerned and he eats a good variety of food then do not worry about it and let what other people say go in one ear and out the other!

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answers from Chicago on

Sounds totally normal to me...just remind people that great things come in small packages =) And try not to take offense, most people don't mean to upset you, they are just making an observation--I'm sure they think he is just adorable!

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answers from San Francisco on

personally I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as he is eating and playing. My daughter is 32 months and weighs about 28 pounds, she is also very tall, so she to looks tiny. Im not worried as long as she is eating well and plays/acts fine. Best of luck

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answers from Phoenix on

Bah, ignore all those people who say your child is too little (or too big or whatever) There is not a single mold every child is made from!!

As long as he's progressing, healthy, and consistent, there is NOTHING to worry about.

And if it makes you feel better, my son is in the 2nd grade (7 1/2 yo) and only between 30-35 lbs. (and we have a friend who is not even 3yo yet and she's 36 lbs, ha!)

If your pedi and you aren't concerned, DONT make it into a big deal - remember those charts are only averages, and there are way too many overweight kids. If you ask if all is well, they may decide to refer you to specialists who then will do horrible things to your child (ie, barium tests and endoscopy and all that.) Don't do it! Just be happy with your sweet little child! (and your body will thank you when you have to carry him off kicking and screaming if he's 25 lbs instead of 40!)

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answers from New York on

My son is the same age and although he is tall, he is slender and weighs 29 lbs. So yes, I would say for a boy, he is small. I can understand how those comments would be annoying but it is kinda true. They don't mean to offend you I am sure. As far as health, has he always been smaller? Doctors usually get concerned when there is a sudden change. Do you feed your son any "fattening" food? I don't mean junk like cookies and cake but I give my son yobaby yogurt with added cream and baby cereal every day. I also add cream to his oatmeal every morning. I helps to keep weight on him and keep him around the 50th percentile. The only thing I think could be a concern is that most babies loose their appetites when ill so he could loose a lot of weight. Also, the brain is made up of fat so babyfat is very important. Try cooking his food with lots of butter or healthy oil...putting on a little weight may not be such a bad idea.

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answers from San Francisco on

don't be worried - look around - people come in all different sizes. He might just surprise you and shoot up later on. My granddaughter was just the tiniest thing. She was wearing 24 mos close at age 3! But now that she's seven, she just as tall as the rest of the class and shows no signs whatsoever of childhood obesity. When people remark about his being small, just say something like "yeah, he's so cute!"

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answers from Canton on

I get it too but the exact opposite. My 10 month old daughter is pretty chubby. She eats some reg. food but isn't that interested in it yet (she's mainly breastfed). People act like I feed her junk all the time. I have a nephew who was (and still is) very long and lean. It's funny, seems like more girl babies are the "pears" and more boy babies are the "bananas".

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answers from Dallas on

I'm in the same boat! I think you're little guy is fine; mine is! Your doctor would definitely let you know if you should be concerned. Sometimes, I'm amazed at the well-rounded appetite of my "little" man! Sounds like you're doing a great job!!! All the best :)

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answers from Redding on

A....don't worry about it if your pediatrician isn't worried about it.
My daughter only weighed 12 pounds at a year old but she started walking at 7 months and she ate real food. She was never anemic, never had ear infections...
She is going to be 24 on her next birthday and still is a little pixie. (She's built exactly like my mother even though her father is 6'2" and I'm 5'8").
As long as your son is healthy and on his own "curve", I wouldn't worry.
My little sister was a tiny baby and little kid....she's been way bigger than me for a long time. Not overweight or obese or anything, but everyone assumes she's the older sister because she's bigger. I was born just shy of 9 pounds and I'm the little one now.
Like I said, as long as your little boy is healthy, don't worry. Don't let him get into the habit of being too picky or you will regret it and question whether he's eating enough. If the doctor isn't worried, tell other people it's not their place to worry. My nephew was tiny....he's 6'3" now and only 18.
Give your son the chance to grow the way he will and love him for it.
I think he sounds just fine.

Best wishes!

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answers from Chico on

if your Dr isn't saying anything, or if you ask your Dr and they say he's progressing normally, then don't worry about the weight and politely tell the people harassing you that the Dr., not them, knows best and to drop it.

It's taken two Dr's appointments where they say my son is gaining too much for my husband to understand that our 4yo doesn't eat adult portions and to stop forcing it on him. Now I just have to remind him nicely what the Dr said. =D

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answers from Kansas City on

try not to let it get to you. if your dr. says he's fine then he's fine. my son is at the opposite end - he is 3 1/2 and weighs about 45 lbs. he is also 41 inches tall (i think). he's in the 97th percentile for height and weight, has been for a long time. dr. says he's developing great, his height and weight are proportionate, which is what he's most concerned with, and not to worry about a thing. unfortunately i do think society makes it easier for a boy to be bigger than average than smaller than average.

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answers from Stockton on

I think that the rule of thumb is if he's on the same growth line than he's okay. If his height and weight has been on the same curve than your dr is probably not worried because that might be his growth pattern and he just might be petite for a while.
My son was over 3 feet tall and weight 33 pounds at 2 and his height to weight ratio was 4%.....they wanted me to start sauteeing his food in butter to fatten him up YEAH RIGHT. He just is a skin and bones kid, not an ounce of chunk on him. Now my second son is 2 and 39 pounds and 3 feet 3 inches tall........they said if he doesn't loose weight by his next check up, they're putting him on a diet, again, YEAH RIGHT!! He's totally proportionate, he's just a SOLID kid....

all kids are different. If your son is not acting sick, if he's got energy and eats meals when he's hungry I wouldn't worry. I used to say my older son lived on air until a few weeks ago when he started to eat everything in site.

remember, they've only been here for 2 years......think about how much weight you've gained and lost in 2 years.....their body's aren't even on a regular cycle yet.

Dont' worry what others're his mama, you know best :)


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answers from Indianapolis on

Your doctor would let you know if there was reason for concern. A lot of weight also has to do with how tall they are. My kids were both high on the weight chart (90% +), but they were matched in their height.

Here are the American Academy of Pediatric's (AAP) growth charts for both boys and girls. You can match their height to their weight to see where they fall. According to this, he is in the 10%, but it's relative, and your pediatrician would be on you to correct it if he really felt there was reason for concern.

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answers from Nashville on

Your pediatrician doesn't go by the pounds so much as they go by the percentiles, as well as their "curve". I'm not sure what they actually call this curve, but it is how the dr has tracked his growth from birth. Normal growth should go up in a nice gradual arc, with no major fluctuations. And the percentiles should be within a certain amount of each other, like the other poster said. I can't remember what they should be, but basically you want them to be close to the same percentile for both height and weight. You don't want a 90% height and a 15% weight. That would show he was underweight for his height. If his curve is good and his percentiles are close to each other, he is just a small child. My son was always in the 15-20 percentile for his age, but it was for both height and weight and his growth was steady and curved correctly. At your 2 yr appt you can ask to see his growth curve and ask about his percentiles, and tell your doctor abot your concerns. But I wouldn't be worried, the doctor would be very proactive if the numbers were off.

As for the busybodies- just tell them that his growth is right on track, he is just a small child, but perfectly healthy. It's so funny because I get the "little" comments too, but every once in a while someone will tell me how big my son is (in that tone that you know means they think he is huge and fat). I have actually laughed out loud at them, not meaning to be rude, but couldn't help it because it's so funny how one person perceives something totally different from another. They are just comparing them to what they have seen. Those people that bug you must have the big chubby babies, which to me looks totally wrong, but it's just not what I am used to. I am not going to call them fat. Don't let them bug you, they don't know better than the doctor or the mama.

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answers from Portland on

He sounds fine to me. If your doctor is not questioning his weight do not let other people's thoughtless remarks upset you. Tell them his doctor thinks he's fine. In a calm voice ask them to stop asking the question.

If you'd like reassurance look up pediatric height/weight charts on the Internet or ask your pediatrician for a copy of his/her chart. Charting height and weight is the way that the pediatrician knows his weight is OK. Or ask your pediatrician what is normal so that you can then explain this to the people who are important to you. This chart will show where he is in comparison to other toddlers his age. If his height and weight are in the same general area he is healthy even if his weight is in a lower percentile. There may be a problem if his height is in the 60th percentile and his weight is in the 40th percentile. In that case his pediatrician would've been concerned.

I want to add, after reading R.m.s post that being in a smaller percentile only means that in comparison with other babies/children his age he is smaller than those in the higher percentiles. It is definitely OK to be small. Your baby may not look small. Both of my grandchildren are thin but sill tall. As R.m. said the people making comments may just be used to plump toddlers. Thin is OK; So is plump. Wouldn't we be a boring group of people if we all looked the same? :) smile

Also I've not known a toddler who wasn't at times a picky eater. My grandson, at 6, is still a picky eater. I can see and count his ribs but he's normal.

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answers from Gainesville on

He sounds like a typical toddler to me i still have trobble gettin my 4 yr old to eat she refuses to eat meat except hamburger and chicken nugget and she only weighs in at 33 lbs and they tell me they same thing she is fine nothing to worry about. so if i were you i wouldnt really worry about it.

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answers from San Francisco on

Some children are more tiny than others. My 2 1/2 yr. old daughter is 25 lbs. She was always on the 5 -10% area on the scales. The main thing is that your baby is healthy. If you have any questions call your pediatrian, but some kids are tall & others aren't. The percentage scale is based on everyone so someone has to be at the 90 and others have to be on the 5 . Someone else told me that my daughter weight was also like 65% for her height -weight ratio. I don't think you should be worried if your son is reaching his walking and talking.

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