I do not mean to be an alarmist, but I am going to suggest that milestones are there for a reason, and you should be concerned, but not panic for sure. Speak to your pediatrician, but keep in mind that many pedicatricians miss important flags and down right ignore them very often, so if your gut is bothering you, call ECI and get an evaluation. It is free, and they come to you. If it is something simple that can be helped early, you want to know. Wating to see is a really bad thing for the children who need help. Wouldnt you rather get the evaluation and not need it, than to wait and see, and be the mother that should have found out? Never, never, never wait on developement, because you just cannot get time back once it is gone. I am not really thinking that your issue is a problem, but I see so many questions like this on this site, and the anwers scare me sometimes, because so many Moms have flags, and so many pediatricans are telling them to wait, and some of those Moms are going to be very sorry that they did. Please...know the milestones, and react. If your baby has more than one milestone that they missed, you really need to react. Evaluation is a win-win. You either walk out the door knowing that nothing is wrong, or you find out what to do to help a small issue before it becomes a big issue, our you find out what you are going to find out eventually, that you have a lot more to worry about. In any case, you need to know as soon as possilbe because early is always best.