Hello, Limits are better started earlier than later. Sounds like you are on the right track. Maybe you just need to tighten up a bit more. My kids rarely get something at the store. If we got in the habit of buying something, no matter how small, it would get out of hand. In our case poverty is the best restricter...lol, but it is still nice to know I can take the kids with me and not have to deal with the "I wants". My husband believe that kids have too many toys these days and though I think he is a bit extreme, he is right. Our kids are more creative with their playtime than most of their friends, who just go from toy to toy. Talk with your fiancee about what he thinks the limits should be and why. Have an open mind and be willing to compromise if you don't fully agree. I think the more restrictions our little ones have at a young age the better. It is much easier to ease up on restrictions than to try and begin enforcing them when they get older. Just some thoughts, hope they help. Good luck!