The cereal itself may not hold any substantial nutritious value (alone- babies need more than just cereal and water!), however the breastmilk/formula you mix with it does. I think the main point of rice-cereal (and other grains) is helping them to feel full when formula/breastmilk isn't enough. She is still too young to switch over to real food completely, and incorporating the formula/breastmilk into this kind of food is nutritious, healthy, and from what I understand helps with digestion too. From what I remember at 6 months my son was still mostly breastfeeding. Then only rice cereal mixed with breastmilk, breastmilk, and small amounts of other stage 1 foods for awhile (but I think the other foods came around 8 months). The main nutrition of a baby (until age 1) should come from formula/breastmilk (the cereal part helps combine the essential nutrients of these, along with grain to help them feel full). Anyway, I hope this helps you, L.. :)