This is just my top concerns for you which you may address if anything rings true:
Perhaps you are depressed or have A.D.D which is more challenging to get organized, motivated, or focused? If so, get medical help.
Perhaps you need to make some behavioral change attempts to see what works: Lay out your clothes the night before, write down 3 things that you plan to conquer the next day. Each day, also wipe up/clean up anything new that happens WHEN it happens. Or have the child do it if they are anywhere near capable of doing so. Make it seem enjoyable or at least respectable and responsible with a high five.
Consider possibly that your toddler or two year old aren't being taught along the way not to do this or that, not acceptable. Must do this instead. Then priase and reward. Consistently!!
Delegate some things to your husband. He does not get a pass. He doesn't have to do half, but make a list of things hardest for you and that he might want to take pride in keeping up. Of course, the traditional things for working men are: bagging up and taking out the trash, handling all yard work, handling all car maintenance or getting it done/handled; doing household repairs (even if he has to get mentoring on it from someone) or paying to get it done and making those arrangements; doing pest control and lawn/weed control measures; changing out the hvac filters, emptying/filling the dishwasher if you cooked. (course, the cook cleans up as she goes with her cooking so we're talking the dinner and serve ware). There is no excuse for him not to help other than you've let him get away with it. Doesn't matter if his parents didn't have him do it or his dad didn't have to do it. It is for your sanity, your relationship, your respect, the child's role modeling, and apparently from what you have said, to cut down on filth and germs.
Make a different plan, do things differently, take control. You are not a servant. Your small house isnt' a great excuse. People with big houses don't get a free pass either. Change youir strategy. Knowing you need a new strategy is the first great step. Congrats!