I had something very similar spotting for half the month with no pain and my Dr recommended having a uterine ablation. in plain english they bake the inside of your uterus lining and you have no more periods. WOOHOO! I was 38 at the time, had three kids and wanted NO MORE.
Before she would do this - she wanted to take a look so I had one of those exams (the name escapes me) to look at the inside of my uterus where they found polyps. Freaked me out!
Apparently these are pretty common and most times benign. So I had day surgery. They removed the polyps - found them to be benign and then did the ablation. I was at Walmart with NO pain two hours later. literally.
And life with no periods since has been very sweet.
I hope for you something so simple!
If you are really worried - call and see if you can get in earlier. No use in making yourself crazy between now and then.
If it were me - I would wait until the appointment.
Very best of luck to you!