No matter what... as a woman, and later as a "Mom" who has children with a Man.... do you, EVER... want to "give up" yourself, who you are, what you are, your own values/beliefs/culture/country, submerging yourself and making your happiness... secondary?
Even if he is Tunisian or another culture.... cultural differences...are VERY.... nice or oppositional... to who you are as a person, intrinsically.
I am married to a man of another country and culture.
I am a local born person of Hawaii.
Even if, we both reside here, in the USA.... in Hawaii... there are MANY MANY MANY... cultural differences and conflicts... of which it is either superficial or deep seated differences, and a 2 whole different sets... of cultural ETHOS... and attitudes.
And... it depends on... how FLEXIBLE your Spouse is... in reflection to yourself and as a woman. Respect. And ACCULTURATION... MUST OCCUR ON BOTH SIDES... BOTH Spouses.
Otherwise... there will be... conflicts. Either minor funny conflicts or the kind that is always a monkey on your back.
Sure, for love.
But.. you need to look at it... from all sides.
And, cultural and ETHNIC differences... are intrinsic to a person.
It is their make-up. It does not change much.
AND, if she goes there... she will NOT have her own family/relatives/friends.... that she is used to and she will NOT have a support system. She will be... one among "his" culture and ethnic, groups.
An Outsider.
I would... hesitate.
Personally... even if my Husband is of European culture... I had been there enough, and in 'his' realm... to know deep inside myself.. that I would not go there and move and give up everything I know... to 'become' that of which his culture would 'expect' me to, become.
I am not, that person.
I am, myself. Even if I am, very culturally aware.
I majored in Anthropology.
I understand all the nuances of any meshing or not, of cultural or ethinic groups.
It is not, for the faint hearted.
Remember: SHE has to fit in with him AND them (his culture) AND fit in with his family... AND they do NOT, have to fit in, with her or to her or with what she wants.
AND: Key Point Here-- WHAT IF... she does not like it there, cannot adjust, cannot acculturate, is miserable, and wants to come back?? Can she? Will he come back too? Will he let her? And if she has children... SHE CANNOT BRING HER KIDS BACK WITH HER traveling along with them, unless she has his consent or signature or it is notarized etc.
IF SHE HAS CHILDREN.... personally, I would want to give birth here, in her home country. Then they will be USA citizens. This is not for "national" preferences... but that, IF she ever has a divorce or custody issues.... being in her home country, of which she AND her children would be citizens... would be best. For her.
Many people when they live here in the USA, they are very, much more, cosmopolitan and individual. But if/when they go back and live in their country of birth... they can revert back to much more 'traditional' roles and attitudes and expectations... upon, a woman.
There are country perspectives of woman... and then there are the individual attitudes toward it, and then there are the Familial expectations.. of a woman's 'role' in the family and clan.
So, there are MANY layers... of what a woman is, in a culture. Some more so than others. And it is accepted or not.
She.... will have to... very much acculturate 'into' his culture and ethnic background. And who knows, what those 'expectations'...will be, onto her. In addition to 'his' expectations of it and how she should be out of respect for "his" culture... there will ALSO be expectations of her In-Laws... too. Upon her.
People are nice. But sometimes, things are different, when you are someone else's, Spouse, in any said, cultural and ethnic, group.
Friends...are not Spouses. Thus, friends are always nice.
But you are not their Spouse.
Again, even for myself, my Husband and I are of 2 different cultures and countries and ethnicities... and, it can be very hard. And we are in the USA.
Just today, we had a blow up... and it all stems, from his and my, perspective of womanhood/motherhood/individuality, etc.
Personally: per your friend, it is not wise... to "give up her life in the states to go be with him."
It is not about his nationality or ethnicity... it is about, her blindly giving up herself... for him. That is a problem. Or can be.
With any culture or country, as an outsider.
It will go without saying... that IF she marries and moves there... she WILL be giving up a lot. And she may not be able, to come back and forth, very often. Will he let her travel?
Will her family go there to visit her? Will it be allowed? What about her children if she has any?
Even if MY husband is very culturally open and has lived here for MANY years... he still has a hard time, with the cultural ethos of his culture and mine. He finds women here... SOOOO independent and vocal and opinionated. It is NOT like that... where he is from, nor how he was raised. So, it can be a problem. Not just a one time problem.
So. There will be many things, she will have to deal with.
AND the question will be: CAN SHE, or is she ABLE... to acculturate totally.... AND 'give up' herself.... for love and to marry this man? Of which, she knows nothing of his culture or ethnicity or ethos... nor of his family and the cultural roles there of the society. And, what are the perspectives of child rearing?? Or of religion?
AND... can she, really.... be at peace with that... and how she will live?
Being 'sweet', just doesn't cut it.
Being in love just doesn't cut it.
It is naive.
"Giving up her life in the States..." for this man, or any man... is very, naive.
No woman, should ever have to give up her own country or life or individuality or her own family or relatives or religion.... unknowingly.
And, if she ever has children... will she even have rights... to her children? This will no be her country. She will not have any backup help. If their marriage, suffers.
IF she gets married, she should do it IN the USA. Or, she may not have marriage rights. Or maybe the USA will not recognize her 'marriage', ? She has to find that out. What are the marriage laws there? She should not sign or do anything, unless she KNOWS with 120% clarity, what is going on.
WHY is she considering marrying in her boyfriend's country?
Is he trying to convince her?????
How long has she been with him?
Does HER family, know him?
They should.
If she has children with him: WHO has custody? After a certain age of the child, the Husband, has custody etc. For example.
"Custody laws" are not the same, as in the USA.
She has to know, that.
Read this:
Can she speak his language AND is she fluent?
Did she research, marriage laws in that country?
Did she research, child custody in that country?
Did she research, if divorce is allowed and how?
Did she research, her giving up everything and renouncing her life, for him?
Did she speak with her family about it? She should.
Did she speak with any government agency here, to learn about it?
There are the cultural and ethnic differences, and then there are the religious differences, and differences in how to raise children. And the perspectives, toward that.
It is not, homogeneous, with her upbringing.
She also has to consider, 'citizenship' factors. Will she need to give up her American citizenship, at some point? If she marries there and lives there and to be considered a citizen, there?
Or can she have, dual citizenship?
This is about immigration laws, for her, since she is currently, an American citizen but may marry, a person of another country. And marry him, in his home country.
Many things to consider...... and can she pick and choose, what 'she' decides to give up?
And... what does her Boyfriend, want?
In contrast to what she wants or knows?