If you feel in charge of your daughter's confidence and attitude you are telling her she NEEDS Mommy to build her up and handle her self esteem, that she CAN'T do it on her own. In other words you could be creating a very insecure, dependent woman, when I think your goal is the opposite.
Read this article on the negative effects of praise. Even if you are not over using praise or falsly praising your daughter, I think she will pick up on the idea that her self worth is very precarious and Mommy needs to keep "better" children away and help her to feel good about her self.
Teach her to find her own value, Ask her questions like what do You like about your art work/story/ outfit you picked out all by yourself? What did you work Hardest on at school today (not what did you do well at?)
Dont tell her what her strengths are, question her and encourage her to figure out her own strengths. Ask her what she wants to learn and how does she think she could get better at that? Teach her what to say if a child at school says "I dont like your picture or that shirt is ugly" Teach her to shrug calmly and say "Well, I love my picture/shirt" This will shut the other child up and give your daughter the confidence to face problems! Raise a child who does not need any external feedback to feel good about herself. You've admitted you are insecure due to your child, make a plan to raise a girl who is not!