I had the Mirena IUD twice and LOVED it!!!! The first IUD was prior to having children, and was the result of a very long and terrible journey with birth control. The IUD is not recommended for those that have not had children, but my Dr. and I agreed that is was worth a try. It was very uncomfortable to have inserted the first time (the second time was a breeze). I did not have periods for two years, had no weight gain, no migraine headaches, almost no PMS like symptoms. When I was ready for a baby, a quick trip to the OB and letterally 40 weeks later I had a baby.
The second time I had the Mirena put in my son was 6 months old. Super easy!!! I was all geared up for them to start and it was already over! Again, no periods, no other birth control side effects. When I was ready for number 2, I had it removed. I am now successfully pregnant (tried for 2 months), and will have the Mirena for a third time after this baby. I just may plan to have a new one every 5 years, as I really didn't miss those periods!
In closing, I loved it! It was the best birth control decision I ever made. What are your second thoughts?