I had Mirena after my daughter was born, almost 3 years ago. I had my daughter via c-section. I got the IUD about 7 weeks after. They had to shock my uterus to get the IUD in, they said b/c I had never had a contraction that is what they needed to do to get it to be in the right way. After it was in, I was bleeding for 4 months straight, some days heavy, some days light, but I was always bleeding. There were days where I would sit on the toilet and cry just watching the blood flow out of me! It was that bad! I had very bad headaches, and I was exhausted for those 4 months. I had some very bad crams during month 3, called my OB he said that it's normal, just to bear with it and it will get better in month 4. Then once month 4 rolled around I the cramps got worse, and I was very sick to my stomach all the time. During month 4 I got the worst crams I've ever felt, shocking pains up my stomach and spine, I was on the floor and work all balled up, nothing was helping. I called my OB again, once the cramps let up after 25 minutes, and he made an appointment immediately for me to come in and get it taken out. I asked a lot of questions when I was in getting it taken out. Obviously I paid for the ultrasound before it was put in, then for the acutal IUD. I paid over $160 for it and had to have it taken out after 4 months. Obviously b/c of the issues I was having, I wasn't intimate with my husband during those 4 months anyways. Not like I needed the birth control. lol. Anyways, my OB told me that everyone is different with it, that most often than not, if you don't have contractions during your labor, (and I didnt b/c of ememergency csection due to excessive swellling and protien in my urine) than it would react differently to me.
Never again will I try something like that. I will take something I put in my mouth every day, so I can stop taking if need be and not have to go through so much pain! After I started having problems with it, it was like people came out of the woodwork about it and started telling me horror stories. If I were you, I'd look it up online, I decided to after I got it taken out and saw many different women's complaints and actually a law suit on the company also. Do your research & think about what's right for you. :) Good Luck!
I ALSO JUST FOUND THIS: http://www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com/mirenareport.html
** There is another thread in this forum about Mirena with some great feedback!!