My daughter had digestive problems during her 1st 3 months. She caught on to nursing right away! but she had projectile vomiting any time she nursed more than 2 minutes! The doctors were concerned, since she couldn't keep a full feeding down, and was losing weight every day (after having initially regained her birth weight in the first week).
Is your daughter's problem every meal? or just occasional? is she actually losing weight? or mostly seeming gassy & uncomfortable? The doctors ran all sorts of tests on my daughter, to rule out allergies, diabetes, pyloric stenosis . . . They switched her to formula for a while, thinking it might be something in my diet, but she still had projectile vomiting. They put her on meds for acid reflux, but that didn't help. Finally, they decided she must have an immature digestive system and said to nurse her two minutes every hour (since she could keep that much down). After about a week and a half of that, she started gaining weight again. She still had the projectile vomiting, but I learned different triggers to avoid(I couldn't lay her on her back ANY time ever, not just right after a feeding; I couldn't let her "recline" while nursing, she needed to be upright; she needed to be burped multiple times during each feeding; she actually had to sleep in a bouncy seat for 3 months!!!) And once she began gaining weight the doctors weren't concerned.... we can manage projectile vomiting once/day or so (certainly it's pain to deal with), but as long as the baby is gaining weight, the concern isn't as great.
I don't know if that's like your situation, but I guess I would be most concerned about the frequency (& volume) of the vomiting, if she's still eating well, or if she's losing weight.