My granddaughter has asthma. She is allergic to several things including dog dander. They tested her with a skin prick before she was 6 months old. I don't remember if dog dander was one of the tests at that time. When she was a couple of years old she had blood tests for allergies and I know dog dander was one of the tests then.
We went with her to the ER 3 or so times because she was having an asthma attack. She spent over night in the hospital when she was 3 or 4 because they felt her attack was more than just asthma; possibly flu. She was fine the next day.
The reason for the skin prick tests was digestive issues. She was allergic to milk protein. Even tho we eliminated dairy from her diet she continued to have asthma attacks and was given medication. A scary period of time even after we learned the cause.
The asthma seems to be caused by environmental allergies rather than food allergies. She has both, including to dog dander. I have a dog and this did not seem to be a problem because as a baby she was not near him or on the floor. He stayed off furniture. She also only visited my home. I think for her the primary cause of her asthma attacks was most likely second hand smoke.
Once her asthma was well controlled by medication she rarely had an attack. It did take awhile for her mother to figure out how to maintain a healthy environment and be consistent with medication.
You can read about asthma on the Internet if she is diagnosed with having asthma. I don't remember anything like seizure like episodes with my granddaughter. She just had difficulty breathing which continued to worsen until she was treated in the ER.
Once my granddaughter started school I learned that asthma has become common now a days. So have allergies, especially peanut allergies. Because it's so common doctors do recognize it and do know how to treat it. My daughter eventually took her daughter to a pediatric allergist who is the one who was able to get the asthma under control.