Inexpensive Vacation for Kids Ages 5, 7, 12 - Louisville,KY

Updated on June 10, 2008
S.S. asks from Louisville, KY
4 answers

We are taking a vacation in July with our 3 kids ages 5, 7, 12. We will be driving and we are on a fixed budget of about $800 for the whole trip. Any ideas?

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answers from Louisville on

we are going to lake cumberland for 4 days and its costing us 506 dollars thats for a 1 br cottage. but if you go to the ky parks website you can see all the places that have resorts we did alot of research before picking cumberland. it looks like its gonna be a blast when you go to the site you can see what each park offers where you can stay where to eat. most places have a lodge where you can ea tbut we did the cabin b/c it was cheaper to take our own food. then click resorts then just start clicking on the trees to learn about each park. there are parks where caves are the main thing, forest the other and of course lakes.
another thing we looked up was kings island if you go to their web page you can click on like where to stay and you can get discounts on admission and stay close to the park we found a hotel with a 2 day pass 2 night stay for 230 dollars.
one last idea (i started off with one lol) cinci is a pretty fun place too there are some museums Newport aquarium and the zoo and botanical garden. good luck!



answers from Louisville on

I just recently saw a commerical on the tv for the indianapolis zoo and science museum. They have some type of package deal. Also, I would check out the Newport Aquarium, that is really nice too.



answers from Louisville on


What about doing something with in the state in which you live?
There is camping, you could rent a cabin or share the expenses with another family.

You could do a lot of one day trips too.

Go to state parks and see what kind of things you could be doing right in your own back yard per say.



answers from Louisville on

S.,i got this thing in the mail for a family fun vacation.package deals it says.It is called dinos&dolphins the phone number is (877)336-1189 for reservations but this is what it says,overnight packade dealfour tickets to the childrens museum four tickets the indianapolis zoo for a price of 159.00-189.00 this may be something to check into your children our at a good age to see this we are thinking about taking our grandsons to it,we have custody of ne and he is into seeing this..But it sounds really nice and alot of adventure and cheap!!at the zoo the children and your self can get in the water with the dolphins!!Doesnt that sound cool???you might make a vacation out of it take your coler with sandwich meats and drinks get paper plates and cups and bags of ice.chips and whatever else we ahve done this alot for a mini vacation the grandkids love it to spend the night at a motel and go swimming...I hope i could help,check it out..Debbie

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