avoid induction at all costs. sure, let the doctor make an appt if they are so intent on doing that, just dont show up if it makes you uncomfortable.
i know a mom who was a month or so beyond her due date, and her baby came in his own time, and nothing went wrong. :)
check this blog:
the problem is that every single person's cycle is different. and every pregnancy is different. the important thing to remember is that when the lungs of a baby are finished developing, they trigger a hormone that induces pregnancy normally. the idea is that pitocin is an artificial replica of this hormone, but it makes things much much more painful, and typically leads to other interventions such as a c-sec because it forces the labor to move faster than your body is prepared for and your body isnt prepared for the natural delivery (because it didnt trigger it) and your body "fails" leading to the operating room.
i find it interesting that as our rates of induction and planned births rise, so do the rates of SIDS. if SIDS is mostly "unexplained" yet it rises at the same time as something else is increasing, i mean, do the math. we are forcing birth on babies who are NOT ready.
so i would just encourage you to relax, take your time, and let things happen naturally. you are already dialating and effacing, then things are on their way. it might be a week or so more, but you have EVERY RIGHT to tell the doctor and their hurry hurry ideas to shove it. :P you are paying them a whole lot of money for them to push you around. i guess its probably never too late to change doctors... but i think all doctors have the same types of agendas... see if you can find a last minute midwife, or doula at least to be with you. if there is a birth center near you, walk in the doors and see what they can do for you.
but above all, do what makes YOU comfortable. do what YOU feel is best. if you dont agree with me, thats fine, you have to do what you feel is best for you and your baby and your family. you are the one who is pregnant here - no one has the right to boss you around or tell you that you SHOULD do anything.
think of it this way; the sooner you have that baby, the sooner the doctor gets paid; and the chances of c-section with pitocin means the doc gets a bigger payday. it shouldnt have to be that way, but its sounding more and more like it is..
also read this one.
pit to distress!! appalling! soooo do your best to take care of you and your baby. thats whats important. :) you WILL go into labor eventually. :)