Induction Experiences

Updated on October 02, 2009
L.F. asks from Saint Paul, MN
29 answers

I am currently 3 days "overdue" with my 2nd child. I see my OBGYN every Tuesday. Yesterday he said that if I haven't delivered by next Tuesday (at which point I'd be 9 days past my due date) we'd need to "seriously discuss inducing." I do not believe in inducing early for convenience, but I would consider inducing if I'm coming up on 2 weeks past my due date. I am wondering what your experiences have been with induction. I've heard lots of horror stories about difficult birth experiences after induction. But, does it make difference that I'm 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced and have been for a couple of weeks now? Is induction generally only really difficult on the mother when they're starting with no natural progress?

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answers from St. Cloud on

My chiropractor's water broke and she went in. But labor didn't start. Her midwife wanted (and said she HAD) to induce her since her water broke but my chiropractor said no. She asked what she could go do to get labor going on its own at home.

The midwife suggested taking blue cohash or castor oil. And if that didn't work to do the castor oil. So she went home and to try to get labor going. She took the blue cohash and that worked. (Although she had a bottle of castor oil at home to try next!)



answers from Madison on

I was induced with my second child because they were concerned with his size. I was only 1 cm and everything went great. I was scared as well because I heard that labor was much more difficult when you are induced and i did not feel that way at all. I think it is different for everyone.
Good Luck



answers from Madison on

My water broke but I didn't start any contractions, so I had to be induced. I was nervous about it too since I had heard it would intensify the contractions. I wouldn't say my labor was comfortable, but I think it was pretty typical. We're due to have #2 next month and if they'd have to induce again it wouldn't bother me this time. I know there are a lot of horror stories out there, but I think we just don't hear about all the inductions that happened without incident.

Good luck and congrats!

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answers from Madison on

Since you are somewhat dilated and effaced, I wouldn't worry too much about the induction. With my first I was neither, and the induction took forever. With my second, my water broke and I was having some contractions and had some dilation/effacement, but was induced as I wasn't making much progress ~12 hours after my water broke. This second induction was much easier and faster. Both of them hurt like hell, though (because of the pitocin, I think), and I had an epidural both times. In any case, after ~10 days past your due date, the risk of still birth starts to rise considerably... not to scare you, but don't forget why you're doing all this! The health of your baby is the most important thing to consider in the decision whether or not to induce! Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Omaha on

I was induced with my first. I was 3 weeks past due... But I had PCOS so we had no real due date besides ultrasound ones... So anyways we finally induced.

At the time I was 3 cm's and about 75% effaced as well. I went to the hospital got Pitocin and the epidural right away. Never felt a contraction. After I started to progress they broke my bag at about 5CM. After only about 5 hours of contractions on Pitocin I was fully dialated and at zero station. So we started pushing! I pushed for 2 freaking hours and made little progress. So they told me either forceps or c-section. I went with forceps and got a FOURTH degree tear. That was the awful part.

Now with my second I didn't have near the problems. Basically I found out had I NOT had the epidural I wouldn't have had to have used the forceps because I suck at pushing with an epidural.

Being induced wasn't so bad. But contractions with Pitocin are suppose to be so terrible I felt I needed the epidural to stand it. So I'd prefer not to get induced because I do much better without an epidural and I'd rather not have a month of severe pain and difficulty using the restroom because of forceps. OUCH! LOL! But it wasn't so bad aside from that.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi L.,
I'm sure you've maybe already had your doctor strip your membranes but that worked for me on the second try. My OBGYN first did the procedure when I was about four days overdue and 1cm dilated. I had an increase in contractions the next few days but nothing else. I saw her again when I was eleven days overdue 3cm dilated and almost completely effaced and she did it a second time. It didn't feel great and I had some bleeding right away, but I suspect I must have been in early labor by the following morning. I had my son two hours or so after I got to the hospital so it was a pretty good experience all and all. My doc told me if the stripping was going to work it would generally be within the first 24 to 48 hours. She was fine with doing it since I wasn't positive for Strep B or whatever it is.
I understand why medical professionals do not want you to go very far over your due date but I really think the closer you can stay to the way nature intended you to go into labor the better. Induction is sometimes completely necessary for your health and your babes, but I too have heard a lot of not so great stories about pitocin and how much more painful an already really challenging, consuming experience can be.
Congratulations on the upcoming arrival. Wish you a safe, healthy and peaceful delivery.



answers from Milwaukee on

L. - I was induced with my 2nd. Like you, I was slightly dilated and effaced. All my Dr. did was break my water. After that, I got up and started walking around. Five hours later my son arrived. My Dr. kept suggesting just a "little" pitocin but I kept turning her down. I was probably only in active labor about 1.5 hours. I knew my body was fully capable of doing it on it's own. And to be honest I was afraid of the pitocin. I'm glad I listened to my instincts and let my body do it's thing. Good luck to you!



answers from Minneapolis on


You will got lots of responses for this request :)

I was induced with my first because I was 9 days "overdue" and was "failing to progress." I was having regular (what I now know were prelabor) contractions, but was only dilated to 2 and barely effaced. I had gone to the hospital because the contractions were close together but in hindsight should have just stayed home. Once I got there, they told me I needed to stay because I was "so overdue" and leaving would be against medical advise. That was at 11:00 in the morning. At 6:00 that night they gave me cervadil (sp?) and that did work to get me going into real labor. By 5:00 a.m. I was about 5 - 6 cm dilated, and ended up getting an epidural (another mistake IMO) at 6:30 that morning. I was exhausted from being awake and laboring for more than 24 hours, and my son was born vaginally at 4:30 that day. Had I let the doctors have their way, he would have come by C-Section that morning because both baby and my heart rates when wacky, lucky I had a good L&D nurse who noticed I was totally dehydrated.

My point is, had I waited to do it all naturally, I am convinced it would have been a much more peaceful birth (my second and third were natural waterbirths). If there is a medical REASON to induce, by all means do it.. high blood pressure, low amniotic fluid, baby in distress - whatever - get the induction. Have a C-Section for that matter, if baby is not doing well, it's time to have her out. But, if all is well, and time is passing, rest assured, she will come out :)

Good luck to you, and congratulations on your new arrival to be!




answers from Minneapolis on

Hi L.! I had inductions with both my children, and they went beautifully! I too was about 3 cm and 50% effaced the first, and 1 cm and "soft" the second time! With my second I was only in labor for four hours before my son was born. I didn't have any issues with the induction either time, and my first was HUGE. So I was in labor quite awhile with him.

I was induced with my first due to unexplained bleeding, and the second because I was starting to have lots of problems.

I would just make sure to go with your gut. Everyone's pregnancy and delivery are so different, and many people get VERY traumatized by their experiences. I found that it was best to focus on my situation and my doctor's advice because otherwise I was freaking myself out. :)

Good luck and congrats!



answers from Madison on

Hi L.,
I am expecting my second next month as well, congrats!! I was induced with Pitocen with my daughter. I wanted drugs by the end, but it was too late. Oops. But it taught me I could make it with out them. I was two centimeters dialated for weeks and 10 days over due when we scheduled the induction. 6.5 hours after we started the pit I had my daughter. I also don't think you should induce early unless it is absolutely necessary (it is part of the high c-section rate) but there are risks in being overdue also. If I had to decide again I would make the same decision. Good luck. (and maybe see if they will start with the cervical ripining and water breaking or if they need to go straight to the pit.)



answers from Cedar Rapids on

L., I hope you had your baby last night and there is no need for this post! I was induced via pitocin with baby #3. I did not have an epidural. In my case, it simulated exactly what my first two labors were like. I did not see any difference with the pitocin. Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on


Congratulations on baby #2. I was induced with both my children. My first I was 14 days over due - too long in my opinion. Labor was less than 8 hours including pushing (8 lb 5 oz). My second was induced a week early due to his size and labor was 8-9 hours including pushing (9 lb 2 oz). The first few hours were not so bad, but the contractions are very regular and you don't get a lot of rest in between. I don't know any other way and had an epidural with both after my water was broken. Good Luck and wishing you a safe and fast delivery.



answers from Des Moines on

Well first, an early congrats to your new little one soon!!

I have been induced twice. I will only let them break the bag though, no medicine. The first I was only 17 when I had my daughter, I was 1.5 weeks late and had it scheduled for 7 am. I was in there awhile after before contractions started, she was born around 3 pm. My second, 3.5 years ago, I was having contractions and went in and my Dr. broke my bag then and my son was born about 2 hours later.

I refused medicine and had no difficulties, my 2nd child was much easier than the first but I think that has nothing to do with being educed. It does not hurt or anything, If you are already effaced and dilated I would say go for it! If you start having contractions then definitely go in. 2 cm is not far, but once your water breaks it will come quickly. You said that you have an apt. 9 days past due date and you are willing to discuss it when you are 2 weeks, why not discuss it with him on Tuesday and set a date for when you will be 2 weeks late? Good luck to you!



answers from Duluth on

avoid induction at all costs. sure, let the doctor make an appt if they are so intent on doing that, just dont show up if it makes you uncomfortable.

i know a mom who was a month or so beyond her due date, and her baby came in his own time, and nothing went wrong. :)

check this blog:

the problem is that every single person's cycle is different. and every pregnancy is different. the important thing to remember is that when the lungs of a baby are finished developing, they trigger a hormone that induces pregnancy normally. the idea is that pitocin is an artificial replica of this hormone, but it makes things much much more painful, and typically leads to other interventions such as a c-sec because it forces the labor to move faster than your body is prepared for and your body isnt prepared for the natural delivery (because it didnt trigger it) and your body "fails" leading to the operating room.

i find it interesting that as our rates of induction and planned births rise, so do the rates of SIDS. if SIDS is mostly "unexplained" yet it rises at the same time as something else is increasing, i mean, do the math. we are forcing birth on babies who are NOT ready.

so i would just encourage you to relax, take your time, and let things happen naturally. you are already dialating and effacing, then things are on their way. it might be a week or so more, but you have EVERY RIGHT to tell the doctor and their hurry hurry ideas to shove it. :P you are paying them a whole lot of money for them to push you around. i guess its probably never too late to change doctors... but i think all doctors have the same types of agendas... see if you can find a last minute midwife, or doula at least to be with you. if there is a birth center near you, walk in the doors and see what they can do for you.

but above all, do what makes YOU comfortable. do what YOU feel is best. if you dont agree with me, thats fine, you have to do what you feel is best for you and your baby and your family. you are the one who is pregnant here - no one has the right to boss you around or tell you that you SHOULD do anything.

think of it this way; the sooner you have that baby, the sooner the doctor gets paid; and the chances of c-section with pitocin means the doc gets a bigger payday. it shouldnt have to be that way, but its sounding more and more like it is..

also read this one.

pit to distress!! appalling! soooo do your best to take care of you and your baby. thats whats important. :) you WILL go into labor eventually. :)



answers from Des Moines on

i didn't read the other posts but i had a good experience. i was one week over and i wanted the induction as i was sure my son was huge. i was 9 days over when my son was born. we went in on a weds night cervadil put in at 9pm, contractions by 1 am thurs, medicine out at 7:30, water broke at noon i was only 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced same as i had been for 3 weeks. by 3pm i was 4 cm. by 5 pm the contractions would not stop, i was getting no break in between so at 6 pm i got an epidural. it was great i was glad i did or i would not have remembered the birth of my son. at about 8 pm i was 10 cm and ready to push. started pushing at 8:30 my son was born at 10:20 a whopping 9 lbs and 2 oz just as i suspected. i had some tearing which with a 9 lb baby is usual but by the time he was 1 week old i could hardly tell i had given birth as far as my momma parts. I hope that no matter what happens you and your baby come out safely. congratulations onthe new one!


answers from Davenport on

My water broke prematurely at 35 to 36 weeks. I was completely dilated and 100% effaced within 5 hours of my water breaking. The nurses kept saying you are going to have this baby any minute. Unfortunately my contractions stopped, I had to have pitocin and after about 24 hours of extreme pain I ended up with a C-section. My daughter was "sunny side up" and just got stuck. Sometimes labor just doesn't progress with or without medical intervention and a C-section is necessary.



answers from Cedar Rapids on

I have a 13, 9, and twin 3 year olds and they have all been induced. I had no complications and I was overdue with all of them. I had no previous signs of starting on my own. Everyone handles things differently. I don't know any other way, but to be induced. I was actually really scared to go on my own! I had all of my children within a few hours of being induced. That is my experience and none of them had any bad side effects or problems!



answers from Milwaukee on

I was induced twice. The 1st time the labor was 4 hours, 22 minute delivery with no complications. The second time was a 12 hour labor (pain free since I had an epidural), 15 minute delivery with no complications. Everybody is different, but I have no issues with induction.



answers from Minneapolis on

I don't have any experience with induction, but I do have experience with being overdue. I was over due by 12 days with my last two children. If you moniter your baby and the amniotic fluid, there is no reason to induce unless you find that your fluid is too low. My second child was only 7 lbs. 11 oz. at 12 days overdue. Remember.....the baby will generally come when it's little body is ready to be outside your body.
Good luck



answers from Minneapolis on

The labor for my twins was induced two weeks early. The dr thought baby A was loosing weight. ( I had twin to twin transfusion) I had no trouble with the inducing. After three hours by first twin was born. I didn't notice any difference compared to the first two natural births I had experienced. My second twin was born an hour later, due to positioning problem, by C section. They were both fine. Another side of the issue, my second son, born two years before the twins, was 2 weeks overdue, the dr never suggested inducing and he came fine naturally, in his own time. but that was 21 years ago! Good luck.



answers from Bismarck on

I am also expecting baby #2 and I will absolutely (if I have any say in it) NOT be induced this time around. I was induced "due to convenience" the first time and I had natural progress beforehand (90% effaced and 2cm dilated) and I was in labor for 22 hours and pushed for 2!!! I personally am not going to take that route again if I can help it. Congratulations to you! I hope this helps!



answers from Des Moines on

Hi L.. I'm an induction horror story -- fast contractions, meds didn't work to help with dilation, emergency c-section. I would never do it again, but I was not dilated and effaced as you are. I was 12 days overdue. It was truly a rotten experience for me.

On the other hand, I see quite a few good experiences here, and a friend of mine was induced with her 2nd and had a three hour labor.

This time around I've been asking a lot more questions of my doc -- in your place I would ask about how good of a candidate you are and whether the expectation is that this will go well. Looking back, considering how my current pregnancy is going, I wonder if they really thought the induction would work well on me. I think they have a better idea than they share, because they don't want to scare you!

Good luck!!!!



answers from Minneapolis on


Induction is harder the less prepared your body is. You can talk to your doctor about doing some things to try to encourage your body to go into labor on it's own like having your membranes stripped.

I won't lie, Pitocin is a bear. But you can request to start off on the lowest dose and see if it works; the nurse can even shut it off if you don't need it anymore. Just voice your opinion on staying as natural as possible. At some point, you really need to get the baby out to avoid complications. Some babies come out on their own and some don't.

Best wishes,




answers from Omaha on

I was induced with both of mine a week early because for some reason my body doesn't produce enough amniotic fluid! We are having our 3rd scheduled for induction on the 14th of october for the same reason! I have nothing to compare it to but all I know is the contractions are way intense!! Its like going for 0 to 100 in no time flat! I so wish I could have gone natural but all that matter is deliverying a healthy baby! It won't matter how you got her here once she's in your arms!



answers from Minneapolis on


Both of my children were induced for medical reasons (mine). I was dilated with each and slightly effaced as well.

In my experience it was not a horrible experience at all. They call it Labor for a reason. Granted, I don't have a natural process to compare it to, but both of my labors were tolerable. I progressed to 6-7cm on my own in each before requesting an epidural.

My firstborn was a more difficult delivery, but my pelvis was too narrow for her head circumference (nothing related to an induction).

My second child was delivered after 3 hours of induced labor and two pushes!

Please don't be alarmed by the induction process, professional labor and delivery nurses will monitor the amount of petocin and make sure that the labor is progressing without being harmful.



answers from Omaha on

We were recently blessed with another baby boy in our family by induction and it went very well. She was already dilaged to 2 and was 5 pct efaced at the time of her induction and she delivered in 7 hours. I do know that the pictosion (sp?) that it does make the contractions a bit stronger and longer than normal labor but if you are having an epideridal or pain medication it shouldn't be an issue. For a strong individual it shouldn't be that different. Wishing you blessing for a happy healthy baby



answers from Milwaukee on

L.: I HIGHLY recommend acupuncture! I was 2 weeks late and had acupuncture to induce my labor. My cousin also had it and her water broke right there!! It is very relaxing actually. Mine took two treatments 1 day after the other. Acupuncture is also often used for turning breech babies. Good luck!



answers from Sioux City on

I was 5 days past my due date with my 1st kid and I could not wait until I had my son. I was induced with him. We went in at 7 am and I had him a little after 1 pm. I had the medicine and everything. I was so relaxed it was great. I would do it again. My second kid I was early so I didn't have to do anything with him but then I didn't know what labor was. I wouldn't wait to long the smaller the better if you know what I mean. Good Luck and congrats.



answers from Duluth on

I was induced for my first child and for my second. My second child I was two days early but had been having contractions about 1 minute apart for 48 hours but getting no where with them. So they decided to induce at 11 in the morning and my daughter was born at 7:30 that night. My son was 15 days "late" so I was induced. It was not pleasant. After a day of contractions they took me off the medication and my contractions stopped immediately, he did not want to come out, and now I can't get him to move out of the house. Each child was different, but I would do it again, it was not a horrible experience, and I don't blame the induction on the problems that followed with my son.

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