I was not induced with my first child, nor will I ever consider it. However, with my first pregnancy I did have EXTREME pelvic pain. You very well may have pubic sympisis (sp?). The pubic bone is actually 2 bones and during pregnancy depending on how your ligaments stretch, the placement of the baby and just your body one side or the other can move up or down. This causes EXTREME pain. It is difficult to walk, stand, sit, or lay down. Basically there is no comfortable position.
A good chiropractor CAN help with this. The adjustment hurts like labor itself, I just about flew off the table...but it is only for a second and then you have relief.
With inducing the thing you have to remember is you are trying to jump start mother nature. For some women, it works well. It may be that those women were going to go into labor soon anyway. For others, not so much. In those cases, labor is hard and long and eventually stalls and then the women end up with a c-section.
Regardless of your physical condition, labor is going to hurt. It's just part of the process. I will tell you from my experience with pubic symphisis it didn't cause labor to hurt any more or any less. I too have a bad back. Have for years. My disc isn't herniated, so I can't speak to that experience. But with my conditions it didn't make labor any worse. It just was labor.
It is true what someone else said that often times the size estimates on the ultra sounds are not correct. I've had a few friends who were told they were going to have large babies, were induced or had c-sections and then the baby was 7lbs.
I would guess the hip pain is due to the baby being engaged and things stretching. The last few weeks are just uncomfortable for just about everyone. So, in that... I think your doctor is correct. However, as I mentioned before a good chiropractor can help with some of these issues and provide you some relief. I've been there, and know how your feeling.
Whether or not you go through with the induction is up to you. But, I would do my research. Don't just take everyone elses word for it. Epidurals can also offer a great deal of relief. Keep in mind, they too have a fail rate and do not work for everyone. I personally know women who they did not work for. But, for many women they do work. I ended up asking for an epidural and it really did help take the pain away.
Good luck. You're almost there!! You can do this!!! You are much much stronger then you think you are right now. I know the pain makes you feel very weak....but you are a STRONG!!!!