Hi, I have an in-home childcare business. I currently have 3 infants all around 4 months old. One is my own. I am registered with the state. If you are not, you should because you could get in trouble if you are caring for children in your home without being at least listed with the state.
It is very difficult at times when all 3 are crying at the same time. I try to get them on schedules each day so that they dont all need to eat at the same time. Then if there is a day that doesnt happen, I just feed in the order that they last ate. There are times when they cry, but there's nothing you can do about that. You are only human. And believe me, do not try to be Wonder Woman because you will get very stressed and burnt out very quickly. Also it is easy when you work from home to want to clean your house and do the things that you see need to be done. Resist the temptation! Just focus on the infants in your care and when you have a time that they're all sleeping, you sit down for a minute and take a much deserved break.
I rotate them from exersaucer to back time, to tummy time, to bouncy seat, to bumbo seat. That way they dont get bored and fussy because they are being moved around and getting different views of their surroundings.I dont like using swings because they get too used to that motion and want it all the time.
I live in Rockwall. If you have any other questions, just message me on here. : )