We are fortunate that almost all 50 states (including AZ) have waiver rights for vaccines for personal, medical or religious reasons. YES, your children can go to school w/o vaccines. Ask the school nurse for a "waiver form" - it's your right by state law.
We have 4 kids who we do not vaccinate. Our oldest son (8) is my step-son and was vaccinated as a baby. He has autism, and we are not ruling out vaccines as the potential cause. A great book is called, A Shot in the Dark, for those wanting to learn more.
Do your research and make the decision from your heart. Trust your mother's instinct - your hesititation about vaccines is good. I've done a lot of research on this subject of vaccines and autism, and would be happy to send you more documentation if you are interested - just email me directly at ____@____.com For example, the autism rate in Amish societ's where they do not vacinate is 0% - a fascinating fact to consider ;)
The correlation between vaccines and disease eradication is also questionable because MANY factors have improved or helped to eliminate disease throughout history: cooking methods, food storage methods, the quality of drinking water, sanitization practices, sterilization processes, the health of the animals and plants we eat, and so on. Humans are living longer and healthier for many reasons, not just because of miracle vaccines.
The body is equipped to protect itself and immunities can be passed on through breastfeeding. In fact, my oldest daughter (now 8) was tested for mumps because she had some facial swelling, and her blood work came back with the immunity for mumps, as if she had been vaccinated - and she never has been! I, have never had chicken pox, but I tested positive for the immunity. We must be careful what we put in our bodies - as everything has cause and effect. Federally, the goverment even developed a compensation program for children and adults who are injured or killed by vaccines - because it HAPPENS! http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/
For a list of ingredients in vaccines, check out the John Hopkins site where you can click on any vaccine and get the packet-insert that comes with vaccines - you can see ingredients like mercury, fetal bovine (cow) tissue, monkey, pig, etc, along with possible complications, injury and mortality rates: http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
Kudos for you for taking the time to do your research!!