I have had 3 abdominal surgeries. 6-8 weeks is the length of time that I had to stay home and off work. I couldn't even do light duty, a desk job. I think that around 6-8 weeks it's OK to start lifting something over the weight of 10 lbs. or so. 6 mos -1 yr is the total length of time before one is fully recovered from abdominal surgery. For me the soreness didn't go away for several months. Part of my incision still itches from time to time 20 or so years later. Parts of my incision are also still mildly numb. It feels weird; not entirely numb. Nerves are cut and sometimes they don't grow back together.
Your incision will probably feel normal in a few more months. I think probablyf the reason for the itchiness and numbness is that with 3 surgeries the incisions overlap. Please do keep in mind that a c-section is major surgery. Skin, muscle, nerves are all cut and your abdominal organs are moved around. I just takes awhile for your body to get back to normal.
I would talk with your doctor about the discharge. This seems a bit late to still have that.