I am in the same boat, and dont have much advice that hasnt already been given...just to tell you I can TOTALLY relate....only I have 1 son (3.3 yrs old) and we have been off BCP for almost 2 yrs....it was this hard with my son too....and Im not ready to give it up yet....not even close, there are times when I throw my hands up , but then i sleep and get back on board with my OB and go for it again....Clomid did not work for me with my son, so we didnt even try that route this time...instead we did another drug called Femara (same idea/results as Clomid...ask your dr. if you decide to go that route)...and it worked with me one time..and am hoping it will work this time. Just got blood results back yesterday about my progesterone levels (get tested each month) after taking the Femara and I have made success in that dept...so slowly and gradually getting there. PATIENCE is definitely a virtue and one Im not always good with. It feels like at time no one understands how frustrating it is, no one ever told us growing up how hard it just might be?! I never realized that me never having regular periods (or even CLOSE to regular) would be an issue when I tried to conceive....I get tired of people saying wow, that would be nice to never have a period! aghhhh Yea I used to love it, but I would take a monthly period ANYTIME and deal with that than to go through this personal battle. And like was said before, PCOS diagnosis wont change anything, just confirm what is already happening in your body. I have those thoughts too, of should I be taking meds for a 2nd one? maybe its just not in the cards for me...but then I look at my 3 yr old son and realize he would NOT be here if I hadnt take the meds for him!
Not sure what else can be said, but hang on, hang in there...PCOS is just a label....find out what steps your OB wants you to take...and feel free to message me for any help/commisery/information! (I am 31 and was "diagnosed" officially with blood tests also probably around 26-27 range) And could go months (6months being the longest, not safe, to have gone without a period, before getting Provera to start it).
Hang on............and TRY your best (hard I KNOW!) to stay positive...