You don't say how old the kids are. I had the same problem with a friend of my sons (they are 12 yrs old) Same grade at school, off the bus together, single dad working, not at home after school. Friend hangs out at our house has an after school snack and drink, usually here at dinnertime, so we end up feeding him most nights. Dad calls usually around 6pm but some days 7pm or 8pm. Son then goes home, where dad has usually stopped and bought fast food for dinner. We have spoken to the dad in the past, before all this started, but not lately. It all happened over a long period of time and when we didn't say anything in the beginning, it just didn't seem right to say anything later on. We just looked at it as if we were being "angels" for this kid, and possibly giving him something he wasn't getting at home. After awhile my son and this friend got ito a disagreement and he hasn't been here since although they have ironed out their differences and are friends again at school and in the neighborhood. During their squabble, my husband told my son to tell his friend that he was no longer welcome at our house (because of his actions towards my son in the squabble) . He did try to apologize to me for his actions, but I told him that he would have to come here when my husband was home and apologize to him since he was the one who banished him. He has not been back. Don't know if he is afraid to apologize to my hubby or what. I can't say I miss him hanging here all the time, but I feel like we did what we should have done for the kid during the time we did it. So for us, it all worked out in the end, and I will think twice before allowing it to happen again with another friend. Yes, I do feel like dad was taking advantage of us, providing care for his son until he got home from work, but he may have felt that his son was old enough to stay at home alone for 2 hours. His son just didn't like to or want to be there alone. I don't know. I guess I would tell you if you are not uncomfortable confronting dad with the issue, I would suggest you give it a try, or get the phone number from the child and call the house and see if you can talk to mom or dad. If that doesn't work confront dad at his truck (but he will probably drive away once he sees you coming. He more than likely knows he is taking advantage of your kindness)