my oldest was 14 months old when i gave birth to twins. it is very hard. some one told me or i read about it, that when you have multiple children and they all need attention, give it to the older one. the babies will not know if they are crying for 1 minute or 5 minutes, but your toddler will, so try to give as much attention to the older one that you can. also get the twins on a sleep schedule and stick to it. right now all 3 of mine nap at the same time and i need that break or i yell all afternoon! you don't have to be limited with activities. it is not easy getting 3 dressed, in the car and out the door, but with planning you can go on small trips. there is a double sit and stand stroller out there. i only have a double stroller, but i went for lots of walks with one if the babies in a harness carrier. that is all i can write for now, getting crazy in here. feel free to email with any questions. A.