oh there's so many things! lol! i do wish though i had gone to college for nursing...i was too scared & thought i'd do better in social services, so i have a degree in sociology. i've enjoyed my career thus far in social work, but not a month goes by (except lately b/c i now have a job i actually LOVE), that i don't wish i'd gone to school for nursing....when i was young, could work crazy shifts to get ahead, could make money for savings, didn't have a husband (still don't thankfully!) and didn't have a child to worry about childcare, quality time, etc....now it's not even something i can fathom doing until my little boy's grown up & out of the house b/c of course i can't work the crazy shifts or work FT, raise baby boy alone, and go to such a difficult profession.
anyway - that's it!! but....all in all....as tough as life actually is for me (finances, unmarried, etc.) if i'd changed anything else, i wouldn't have gotten married, then divorced, then met my ex, w/whom i had my sweet baby with...so i can't really change anything else!
sorry for the long post, but i really loved your question & actually had time to think about it & write it b/c my son's w/his daddy! :)
thank you!!! :)