I don't cook, so I'm the queen of keeping it simple. You can buy deli meat and roll it yourself to make platters (you can buy those round plastic platters pretty cheap at party stores if you don't have any).... so.... rolled up deli meat and cheese.... rolls or bread to make sandwiches... stuff to put on the sandwiches (you can precut tomatoes and onions)... and you can either buy a cut up fruit bowl or save money and cut your own... Publix (or Costco or Sams or wherever) has great sides like potato salad or you can make your own... then all you need are chips and dessert and of course drinks. A friend of mine did something similar and it was really nice. Oh yea! She also had something in a crock pot-- I think it was BBQ shredded pork-- for the sandwiches. She filled the crock pot in the morning and it was warm and yummy by the time everyone was ready to eat