Ideas for 2Nd Birthday Treat Bags?

Updated on February 06, 2008
N.R. asks from San Anselmo, CA
5 answers

Hi Everyone,

My daughter's second birthday is coming up and we are having a kid's party for her and five of her friends.

We'd like to give each of her guests a treat bag as a thank you for coming to her party, but I am having trouble coming up with ideas for filling the bags!

So far I have bubbles, stickers, little notepads and crayons. I'd like to avoid candy/cookies and little plastic toys.

Does anyone have any ideas for other treats that would be safe and fun for 2 year olds?

Thank you for your time and suggestions!


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So What Happened?

A mom in my mother's group recommended The Ark Toy Co. store in Berkeley as a great place to find little treasures. We went this weekend and found some great European made/non-toxic wooden animals that we'll use to complete the gift bags.

I must admit that I was surprised by some of the comments I received here, as I didn't ask for people's opinions on gift bags, rather suggestions for filling them... If you and your friends don't want to exchange treat bags at parties that's up to you, but I don't think that means you should judge others who do. As for the comment that all treat bags are filled with junk, well that's what I was trying to avoid and feel that I did so as crayons, stickers, notepads, bubbles and little wooden animals are all things that my daughter would enjoy playing with.

Also, I was shocked at the response that I should give two year olds balloons, as latex balloons are the number 1 cause of choking deaths in children under 8 in this country. It constantly amazes me that so many mothers don't know this and/or choose to ignore the facts about balloons.

More Answers



answers from San Francisco on

When my son turned 3 I had found these inexpensive sandbox sets. Bucket, shovel, and a form. For years people told me it was the best favor they had ever gotten. Something they really used for a long time. I realize it can't go "in" a treat bag, but it can become the treat bag. Sand is quite the favorite with 2 year olds!

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answers from San Francisco on

I have a 2.8 yr old & 7 yr old & am getting tired of the goodie bags. I really think they're a waste of money & now my youngest is getting close to b-day parties! What a lot of us are doing now is giving a small, very useful, well-made toy as most of the stuff in goodie bags is just junk & easily breaks. For instance, my 7 yr old recently got a small electronic (key chain-sized) flash card toy. I know the mom well & she said she spent as much on 12 of those as she would have on 12 goodie bags. So, I say what you have for a 2 yr old in your goodie bags is plenty. Even for my 7 yr old, I tried to limit his goodie bags items to just 4. Good luck & hope this helps!

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answers from San Francisco on

At this age, they don't need much. If you have a party theme, you can get something that relates.



answers from San Francisco on

I agree with Kelly, what you have already sounds great, and next year just pick one special thing!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi N.,
I think you have already more than enough ideas and what are the treat bags for? The parents? Because I am certain that a birthday party for tiny two year olds is already enough, give them a balloon that you use during the party to decorate your house with as a goodbye gift, If we start this goodie bag thing too early the children will expect a car once they are 18 yrs old as a treat.
I think it would be wise for everybody to give this consumer pressured environment that we are living in a second thought, we could do so much more for others than just adding to more junk that is going to be part of our children's future garbage piles.
Happy Birthday C.

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