Either a hockey helmet, a ski helmet or if you get a helmet made for skating/skate boarding it goes down more in the back
My 6 year old son just started ice skating and he falls a lot. I need to get him a helmet before sending him back out on the ice. I have a bicycle helmet, but I have heard that it is designed for side impact and that they typically hit at the back of the head on the ice.
If you ice skate what kind of helmet have you used for your chid? a skate boarder one? is there an ice skating helmet? bike helmet?
Love to hear from you Mamas so any thoughts would be great! He is having a great time and I have such admiration for him. He falls and pops right back up with a smile on his face! Thanks in advance!
Either a hockey helmet, a ski helmet or if you get a helmet made for skating/skate boarding it goes down more in the back
My son wears a hockey helmet but I see a lot of kids with bike helmets on. I guess it's better than nothing.
Ice hockey helmet. You should be able to get one in their pro shop if they have a team. If not, get one online.
My son took ice skating lessons and plays hockey....a hockey helmet.
A hockey helmet. You can get one on craiglist for next to nothing (hockey families have tons of them) or if buying a used helmet grosses you out, you can check with the shop at the rink for a basic one. Let them know that you're looking for something for recreational skating. The helmet might come with a cage, which you can remove if he doesn't like it. If they don't have anything reasonable (and reasonable is $20-$30) then check Wal-mart, Target or a sporting goods store. The hockey specialty shops (hockey monkey and pure hockey) start at $50 but they're designed for kids who are playing hockey, not just slipping and sliding on skates.
Here's an example of what you're looking for: