A couple bites is fine. Wondering where in Chicago YOU are that it's hot, though - it's still pretty cool by my house!!
hi i have a question can ten month old baby's eat ice cream?? cause its starting to get hott her in Chicago and its ice cream season so just a question she always wants what i have and i had ice cream the other day and she ran over to me in her walker and tried to take it from me lol and since i didn't give it to her she started crying
A couple bites is fine. Wondering where in Chicago YOU are that it's hot, though - it's still pretty cool by my house!!
I let my kiddo taste when he was around that age. We either buy breyers or make our own... so there wasn't anything in it he hadn't had already. It was just colder :)
hmmmmm,,mean mama,,kidding,,dont u want to eat ice cream sometimes?
I was just at the pediatrician with my 10 month old daughter and he said she can have yogurt, ice cream and cheese.
A taste won't hurt. Hot in Chicago? Hmm.
Tania is only partially right. Heres what I know:
ice cream: yes has milk
frozen yogurt: yes has milk
sherbet: yes has some milk, very little, often non-fat
sorbet: no milk, fruit puree
ice: basically sugar and water
But I think a 10 month old having a few licks or bites will be fine. My son was probably the same age, maybe a couple months younger when we gave him his first bites of my strawberry ice cream. He spit up a little bit afterwards and we realized we might have let him have too much.
It's getting HOT in Chicago???!!! Well, that's encouraging! LOL I think a lick here or there is ok. Ask your pediatrician or the nurse at your ped office for sure.
I would NOT give her ice cream. It's recommended that children should not be introduced to milk until 1 year. I know it wouldn't hurt if you gave her a lick or two, but she'll probably want more. My opinion, I would avoid it.
Personally, I wouldn't hand her an ice cream cone - haha. However, my daughter was about 11 months old when she, my mom and I went on a little Mother's Day trip - my mom and I had ice cream cones and my daughter took a few bites. Yes, it has milk, but the amount she's going to get is going to be so minimal. My daughter is lactose sensitive and a couple of licks of an ice cream cone have never bothered her. She also loves the cone - when I finish the ice cream I give her the cone to eat. :)
I would probably start with rice dream or soy based ice cream first. When babies are a year then their bodies can be introduced to cow's milk.
There are many studies that show that it is not a great idea to start them on cow's milk because they are more susceptible to allergies and sinus or congestion issues and can possibly cause long-term damage.
Hi M.,
If you're worried about dairy: try sherbet. Made from fruit and fruit juices, and no dairy (good for *you*, too :)
I think a taste here and there is fine. We didn't do dairy for a long time, so you can choose soy based, rice based, or my favorite non dairy ice cream is coconut based. Sorbets are yummy or just frozen fruits like peaches that you've introduced. Peel them and puree and freeze like a granita.
Frozen yogurt is full of junk, although we love it.
Freeze regular yogurt mixed with pureed fruit in a popsicle mold.
Happy "ice cream" eating!