I Would like to Work from Home Can Anyone Help?

Updated on March 11, 2008
J.P. asks from Albuquerque, NM
4 answers

I am needing to go back to work and I don't think I can afford child care for my children if I can't find someone affordable I would like to see about working from home but I don't know of any jobs out there that are not childcare. Can anyone help?

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answers from Albuquerque on

Hi J.! You should do what I do! I absolutely LOVE my job! I've worked from home for nearly two years now. I have a three-year-old son and another one on the way. :) I work for Arbonne International. It's a Swiss-based health and wellness company. We have everything from nutritional supplements, to weight loss, to aromatherapy, to cosmetics, hair care, baby care, and my personal favorite...skin care! These products are absolutely the best out there. But, best of all, they're all natural, botanical and herbally-based, 100% certified Vegan and contain NO mineral oil, chemical dyes or fragrances! Can you tell I'm excited about these products?! :) Anyway, I work about 10 hours a week from home with my son at home full time, and I earn on average $1500 per month. I know that's not a ton of money, but it really helps out our family each month with bills and groceries and fun stuff!
If you're at all interested, please feel free to visit my website at: www.mandyolsen.myarbonne.com or www.arbonne.com. I'd love to meet with you to give you some free samples and answer any questions you may have. Hope you find the perfect fit for you!
Take care,
M. O.
Executive Area Manager and Independent Consultant
Arbonne International



answers from Albuquerque on

I am sure you will get plenty of responses, but here is ours. We run any online store with literally millions of products. We love it, and it allows Heidi to stay home.

Give us on on shout if you have any interest at all. Even if you don't want to run on on business... We'd love on on new client!!




answers from Albuquerque on

Hi J.,

I was in your shoes; I didn't want to put my daughter in daycare but with mortgage and bills and everything we needed an extra income. I looked at tons of work from home possibilities; some wanted me to purchase thousands of dollars of inventory for a website, or pay $50.00 a month for a website, then there's affiliate marketing (which I wouldn't promote anything that I don't believe in so that wouldn't work) and then there are jobs where you can work from home but you need to have like a second phone, high speed internet, a special headset, and a quiet area. With a one year old around that is just not possible.
So finally I found the M.O.M. Team which introduced me to this truly amazing wellness company. You get a free website, there is no selling so you don't have to have inventory, and you don't even have to throw parties. I am so proud to be a part of this company, the C.E.O. has an amazing philosophy and it shows in the quality of the products. Another thing, these are products that everybody uses and purchases every single month so you will be able to make a residual income and help others create safer homes, contribute to a better environment, and achieve financial stability at the same time. I urge you to look into other home based businesses and then look into this one. You will clearly be able to compare and see the difference. I have my business listed in member perks (The M.O.M. Team) and local businesses or just go to http://www.momsathomebiz.com and request information. I promise I won't pressure you, I just love to share this with anyone who may benefit; I wish someone had shared this with me a long time ago. Good luck in your search and I hope you find what you're looking for!



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi J.,
My name is M. and I am a father of a 3.5 yr old boy in Albuq. NM. Although I do out of the home right now, I found something that will allow me to stay home pretty soon. I'd be happy to tell you about it if you are still looking.

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