Last night... my dear 5 year old son, all of a sudden got a rush of emotions as I was putting him to bed.
He was telling me "Mommy, I don't want you to get old and die.... I want to have you forever and over and over and over.... " and he was just bawling his eyes out, and clutching me SO tightly and had his arms wrapped around me, so tightly....
SO sad.... so heartbreaking.... the thoughts that little kids have... and their profound, emotions.
He also asked why his Grandpa (my Dad) died and if everyone dies like that and at that age etc.
I was speechless... but tried my best to comfort him....
Hard... very hard...
He is fine today.
Fell asleep sort of fine.
But at least he can express himself and tells me things...
Its so hard....
And while my son was saying all of this... my older 9 year old daughter was saying to him "I think about that too.... and then I get tears in my eyes.... "
Yes, I want to give my kids the world....