I went through something similar to your friend. I have two little boys now, but it took two years to conceive our first. When my husband and I first started trying I was 23. I was completely healthy, a normal weight, not stressed out but nothing was happening. No false pregnancies, no missed periods, nothing. My sister-in-law had a toddler and while I was trying to conceive, she got pregnant again. About 10 months into trying, my 48 yr old pre-menopausal coworker found out that she was having a surprise pregnancy and that's when I became very depressed. I didn't understand why a woman old enough to be my own mother was having a baby when I was unable to. Every time I saw a mother with a baby, I felt sad and I was even crying over commercials for baby formula. It seemed like everywhere I looked, there was a pregnant woman. It was a really hard time for me and what made it worse was that I had nobody to talk to about it. I really think that the best thing you can do is just to be there for your friend. Listen when she wants to talk (but don't push her to talk about it) and tell her it's okay to cry if she needs to. I know that I would have really appreciated someone to just be there to hug me and show they care. I agree with the previous post about doing a girls weekend or even just a girls day out. Plan a nice relaxing day to go to lunch, get pedis or facials at a spa, go see a silly movie at the theater, take her to a paint your own pottery place... something that will make her feel special and will help get her mind off of things. I hope this helps. You sound like a really good friend. :)