I Need Some Quick Energy So That Hubby Is Happy Tonight. ;)

Updated on August 25, 2010
B.C. asks from Arlington, TX
11 answers

I have been on my period for 12 days. It's finally looking like it's over. Needless to say, hubby and I are wanting to be intimate. Problem is, I have been sooooooo tired the last few days. I'm sure it's a lack of iron since my period has been so long. I have taken 156% of my iron through a pill the last 2 days, slept for 9 hours last night, took a nap this afternoon, and drank a 5 hour energy and I am still dying to get to bed! Until I can talk to the doc, do you have anything that you do to pick yourself up? I just want to get through about 11pm tonight, lol.
Yeah, ladies, it's about 11pm b/c my kids go to bed at 9 and it takes my 9 year old a while to fall asleep so we make sure it's later. lol. Thanks for the advice. I took some b-12, headache meds, and drank some water. I had enough excersize today taking the kids to the museum and to the park. ;)

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answers from Kansas City on

I dont know if this works for you, but fresh air works for me. If it's not too hot, maybe you could take a little walk?

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answers from Dallas on

Exercise, B12, caffeine, body temp shower, bouncy music, romantic comedy.

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answers from Houston on

Well in my opinion, sometimes tired sex is the best anyway;) Maybe that is bc I am tired so often!LOL But when you are all mellow and really don't have super high expectations of yourself, you are pleasantly surprised. Enjoy!

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answers from New York on

For me a refreshing shower and fresh air wakes me up plus some upbeat music. But yea, if you have had your period for 12 days you could be iron deficint. Is it 11pm cause hubby doesn't come home earlier? Get the kids in bed a little earlier and tell hubs it's an early nite. My hubs if he is still awake after "amore", he gets back up and watches a movie or goes into his studio and after I have my moment with him I don't care where he goes I go off to la la land , happily.

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answers from Jacksonville on

It's a little late right now, but maybe for another day?
Be sure that you get enough sunlight. I'm sure the extended period has something to do with your tiredness, but also, if you don't get enough sunlight you can be tired a lot too. I know it seems silly, being summer and all.... but with it so hot, we tend to stay indoors and indoors often means the windows are shaded or covered,etc to maintain energy efficiency... A couple of 15 minute blocks of time out in the sun during the daytime can do wonders!!
(yes without sunblock on and without long sleeves!)

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answers from Boise on

Rather than for tonight, this is for your future health:

Why are your periods so long,. Do you think you might have fibroids? Is your flow very very heavy also? Are you soaking through a pad an hour? These are fibroid warning signs. There is a iron supplement called Slowfe, which can be helpful when it is an iron deficency. Just be careful and don't take too much! You dont want to have too much iron, it builds up in tissue and can make you sick. Sometimes a b12 deficiency will mimic an iron deficicency. You can take b12 AND b complex liquid drops under the tounge daily.

Fibroids are excaserbated by high estrogen. Keep estrogen down by avoiding soy, flax, chlorine, bromine. Also the adrenal glands , if they are taxed, will cause high estrogen. Taking raw virgin coconut oil will give you building blocks for progesterone- which acts to keep estrogen down.

Caffeine absolutely wipes out adrenals in the long run. Support your adrenals with healthy cholesterol (egg yolk, and a good cod liver oil and evening primrose.) B5 and vit C also supports adrenals.

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answers from Fayetteville on

I take 2 B-complex. It perks me right up! (;



answers from Honolulu on

The simple thing to do is:
Take a cat-nap if you can.

Even 20 minutes... can be refreshing...
nap when your kid naps.
That's what I do.

Nap before he comes home.

Just a hint:
Taking stimulants... can for some people actually make you more tired. It is a quick up "high" and then you come crashing back down... thereby, making you even MORE tired. Then taking more stimulants to combat the 'tiredness' just exacerbates the vicious cycle.

Good luck!



answers from Portland on

I'd suggest a walk, too. Caffeine will give you a boost, but then you might be awake past bedtime, and wasted-tired tomorrow. If you fall asleep, ahem, beforehand...maybe you *need need need* the sleep?!


answers from New York on

Maybe a little coffee or other with caffeine? or did your drink have caffeine? Does it have to be 11? what time do your kids go to bed? I tell my hubby "the window" is between 10 and 10:20 and if he comes to bed later the window is closed :) He's usually there about 10:19 !



answers from Chattanooga on

You could be just suffering from too much sleep also cause if you get too much sleep you still feel tired. As far as the woman who only gives her husband a 20 min window she must not have a very active love life. I also say talk to your dr as a 12 day period is too long.. that and that much iron may be bad for your health

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