My son is now 2 and I believe was a good sleeper until he got really sick with an ear infection and woke up every hour crying. But even when he got better his sleep wasn't the same for a long time. He got used to waking up and us soothing him.
Of course you do want to rule out any medical problems with your pediatrician, but if nothing is medically wrong with your daughter than I do agree with one other mom about the camera monitor, I had one from the beginning and I love it! They are expensive but helped me sleep easier. All I had to do was look at the monitor and see if was okay, instead of getting up out of bed.
There are many different products out there to help soothe babies and if none of those are working for you, you might just have to let her go back to sleep on her own. If you know she's not hungry and doesn't need a diaper change, let her cry a little, and every mothers comfort level is different in how long they can listen to their child cry.
The only other advice I can give you is instead of focusing on how to get your daughter to sleep more, right now you might have to focus on YOU sleeping more. I'm not sure if you work but if not, take time for a nap for yourself during the day when your daughter takes a nap, and if little things around the house get behind, such as dishes or laundry, I'm sure your husband will understand.
I know our husbands are tired as well from work but their support makes such a big difference. If possible have him get up with the baby every once in a while when you're extremely tired. What my fiance did for me was give me Sunday mornings. So instead of getting up with the baby at 6am he would let me sleep until 9 or 10am and those couple hours were a lifesaver.
Another idea is if you and your husband have time for a date night and have someone you trust like grandparents/family members to babysit. Let them keep the baby for the night, spend some time alone together and actually get a nights sleep and then first thing in the morning pick up your daughter.
I used to hate to ask for help, but it's okay friends and family understand. I hope this helps!