A few hundred years ago life expectancy was much shorter, and infant mortality was enourmous. More families than not expereiced at least one infant death, and we have all benefited from the expansion of medical science. Modernity has granted us a great gift of long life and probable live birth for the vast majority of children. Most children survive infancy and childhood without facing a life threatining illness, and we have an expectation that our children will all grow up to be adults and out live us. We are just the 4th or 5th generation in history for whom this is true and we owe some of that to vaccines.
We could go back. We could elimninate vaccinations for all children becaue we do not want to take a risk of putting something harmful into their bodies, because there are unknowns, because a few children suffered side effects, because a few books have been written, because there is fear and hysteria, and because within our own collective memory, we do not comprehend what high infant and child mortality feels like anymore.
The golden rule applies here, or more specifically Kant's categorical emperative. If everyone cannot do something, then it is wrong for one to do it. If everyone can cut in line, there is no line left and you have chaos. The fact is, if you do not vaccine, you depend on those of us who do to keep your children safe, but if we all did as you do, we would see a return to life as it was over 100 years ago. Why do you want to convice those of us who do vaccinate of the validity of your argument? The more you convince to whithold vaccine, the more danger you present to your own unvaccinated children. We can't all do as you do.
There is a window into our future going on right now with Pertusis. This dessease requires more boosters than was previously known, as appears to be the case with many of the vaccinations we all recieved as children. Adults are now passing this on to infants before parents can even make the choice to vaccinate or not. Thank goodness that medical science has evolved and adults can now protect those little babies by getting a booster for pertussis so that we can continue to protect those who cannot, or will not, protect themselves and their children. You will continue to be fine, if you get the booster yourself...just like the children.