If you have already taken as much medicine as you can then it is obviously not the right medicine.
It's time to go to the doc and have a discussion about headaches and the pain levels. There are many things that cause headaches. The lighting in your work space, the dimness, the brightness, if the lights are fluorescent, the heat or coolness of the area, how you sit in your chair, if you have to lean over constantly due to writing or typing, seeing the monitor, etc....
There is also the possibility of it being a migraine. Try putting your hands in really warm water for at least 5 minutes, as hot as you can stand without it being uncomfortable. Does that help the head ache pain? If it does then this might be a migraine. The vessels in the head constrict and the blood pumping through them hurts them, the volume of blood is too much, if the blood is drawn out, to a warmer area for instance, the blood circulating in the vessels of the brain is less and the pain decreases.
If the heat trick does not work then think about your sinus'. Are they dry? Runny? Stuffy? Then the pain could be a sinus headache.
I would want to find out if there was a different pain med that would help the headaches if at all possible.