My daughter is 13 months and just (within the last three weeks) began sleeping through the night regularly. My pediatrician told me to go in and reassure her that I was there but DON'T take her out of the crib unless I have to change her diaper. That helped a little. She still woke up but it was once a night or twice a night instead of every two-three hours. (We tried the letting her cry thing--she screamed for over three hours on the first night, and two and a half hours the next. I was done after that. I couldn't do it.) One thing that has helped her is a white noise machine. I got it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for about $10. That seems to drown out the other noises in the house and outside and she sleeps much better when it is on. As far as the bottles, I had to reduce those slowly--like take one ounce out every other night until she didn't need it anymore. That takes time but I think it is easier on the baby than just cutting him off completely. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to NEVER get a decent night's sleep! Good luck!