The next time he points to the pizza cutter and for his safety you know it will hurt him since he doesn't know the danger of it, let him cry..He learns here that he cannot get everything he wants. If he turns around and points for the spoon, you don't have to say no, give it to him, because that won't hurt him, he gets to be happy "helping mommy make pizza" and no tantrum.
He wants you to lift him up because you are standing tall and he wants to be a part of what you are doing and you won't let him. In his tiny eyes, he can do it and mommy wont let him, so he throws a fit. Give and take. Pull up a sturdy chair let him watch you...give him a bit of satisfaction, and tantrums will cease. He might actually amaze you that from watching you he can actually help.
He is hitting alot because he is frustrated. Mommy isn't letting him do or be a part of anything, so he communicates his anger by hitting, throwing fits, etc. As M., you have to determine what he can help with and what is off limits. He just needs a bit of independence, that's it. He just cannot say it out loud.
He senses your frustration too. He is not a monster. Focus on grooming him to be independent by letting him feel like he is in control every once in a while, without compromising his safety, health and discipline. Good luck.