Hi! I jave TWO sets of twins and we hardly have any sleeping prblems. The oldest set is boy/girl, they are also about 2 1/2. Sometimes the girl will wake up after a dream and just need a hug, then she will go right back to sleep. My question for you is do you have them on a routine all day? Our day is very set and we try to do the same essential things at or close to the same times. Get up at same times, eat at same times, same bedtime routines at naptimes. Sometimes they nap, and othertimes they don't, but we still leave them in their room for at least 1 1/2 hours for down time. I will tell you that we love the Sleepsack by Halo. It is a wearable blanket that zips from the top down and is difficult for them to get off. They are so used to it that they do not try to get them off. Plus you never have to worry about them putting the blanket over their heads or anything. They also wear it at nap times. Anyway, the routines and being within 30 minutes of your target time for everything has worked well for us with both sets. I wish you the best of luck. Please email me if you have any more questions.