Wow P., have you got your hands full- my hat goes off to you. I have a couple of suggestions (I have twin 1 1/2 year old girls). Could you try moving them to separate rooms? I know many times we think our twins need each other and would be unhappy in separate rooms, but sometimes I think this may be the best thing for them, if they are keeping each other up. Are they in cribs? If so, then I would let them cry it out and ignore it. If not, then you may want to go into the room once they wake up, and practice putting them immediately back in bed, no looking at them, talking, etc. Just put them back into bed as soon as they get out. Once they get tired enough, they will go back to sleep. It may take you a little time at first, but after a few night of this, I think they will learn the ONLY option you will allow is for them to stay in their bed and go back to sleep. Make sure their beds are not right next to each other. As far as the diapers, will pull ups work better to keep them from getting them off? I'm not to the potty training stage yet, so I don't have as much to offer there. I'm so sorry, I know you must be exhausted and I can image- about to loose your mind. I would focus on consistent, fair discline during the day and at night, and put your mind to it that you can succeed and get through this! Best of luck, F.