I Cant Seem to Get My 2.5 Year Olds to sleep..EVER

Updated on February 06, 2011
P.M. asks from Stockbridge, GA
8 answers

i have twin 2.5 year olds who will rarely nap.. and they wake up all night long.. waking each other up. or keeping each other distracted from sleep.i dont know what to do... they are trying to potty train, but they keep stripping off their diapers in the middle of the night and peeing in the bed too. when i put their clothes back on and put them back to bed, they scream and cry. waking up their 11 month old little brother. i am so tired does anyone have advice for twins . help

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answers from Athens on

Wow P., have you got your hands full- my hat goes off to you. I have a couple of suggestions (I have twin 1 1/2 year old girls). Could you try moving them to separate rooms? I know many times we think our twins need each other and would be unhappy in separate rooms, but sometimes I think this may be the best thing for them, if they are keeping each other up. Are they in cribs? If so, then I would let them cry it out and ignore it. If not, then you may want to go into the room once they wake up, and practice putting them immediately back in bed, no looking at them, talking, etc. Just put them back into bed as soon as they get out. Once they get tired enough, they will go back to sleep. It may take you a little time at first, but after a few night of this, I think they will learn the ONLY option you will allow is for them to stay in their bed and go back to sleep. Make sure their beds are not right next to each other. As far as the diapers, will pull ups work better to keep them from getting them off? I'm not to the potty training stage yet, so I don't have as much to offer there. I'm so sorry, I know you must be exhausted and I can image- about to loose your mind. I would focus on consistent, fair discline during the day and at night, and put your mind to it that you can succeed and get through this! Best of luck, F.



answers from Columbia on

I remember having to separate mine at that age for nap time. Even if they didn't nap, I had a mandatory rest period - it at least kept my sanity. Usually during this mandatory rest period, at least one or both would fall asleep. At night, try the zipper pajamas backwards and soft music - mine still go to sleep with classical music! For whatever reason, they find the classical music relaxing. As far as potty training goes, I had a very wise twin mom that told me not to potty train until the children stayed dry all night. It worked for me, even though my children were a little older (3) when they were potty trained. At this point, there were no more diapers, pull-ups. Take care and try to hang in there - it does become easier!



answers from Phoenix on

OMG Im am with you im at my wits end. as far as the pulling off of diapers they have been cured of that with in the first 2 times of doing it. mom says your daughter just took her diaper off i call her in the room i bend her over and a bare firm but not hard swat on the toosh has kept both him and her from taking there diapers off anymore. i have all the same problems as you they do not go to bed. my twins are 2 1/2 as well i have a terror boy and a whiny girl. the only way I can get then to go to sleep is put them in there high chairs. but this only works if you strap them in tight or they will get out in the middle of the night. im with you on the naps too. the only way you can get them to nap is to ware them out they must be run ragged at the park or in your back yard ether way they need to be worn out. but the bed thing i have not figured out yet. I work full time and go to school full time as well sleep for me is non existent. i have went to many extreme mesures to get then to go to sleep at night from taping the light switch in the off position to strapping them in there hight chairs. I have laid next to my son in bed holding him down keeping him from playing and this some times takes up to an hour or two of my time. but the main thing is to never give in or they will run the rest of your life, I know this much. yes i have tanned there hides this has worked on several occasions however not all. and to you that are thinking of calling me an abuser you can stick it. i was spanked as a child and for that i have the utmost respect for my parents and other adults, witch is something that the kids of today don't have. i wish they had corporal punishment in schools today. like they did when i was a kid. but anyway im having the same problem as you, in fact my son is in my office with me right now as i write this its 230 in the morning and he is still fighting sleep. I don't have an answer other than strapping them in there highchairs until they fall asleep then take them to bed. i could write all day on the experiences i have had with my twins but you would probably never read it all any way.



answers from Atlanta on

My twin girls are now grown, but I well remember how it was when they were that age! Mine giggled constantly, day and night and I'm not sure they ever slept, but they stayed in their room and did not wake me up, and I am a sound sleeper. I won't lie to you, it was hard raising them, and I was divorced when they were five, but I cannot imagine being a single mom with them this age AND having a baby brother in the house. I'm just writing to you to give you support and tell you to find and join a Mothers of Twins group, either physically available in your area or online, and there you will get a lot of support and a lot of good advice. Twins are different. It's not at all like having two kids of different ages, especially if they are identical. They bond with one another and it's a two-against-one situation much of the time, but time will pass and each phase is easier, and in the meantime, they are delightful, are they not!? Such a blessing from God to have twins, but it has its challenges, that's for sure. Good luck to you and don't forget to enjoy them. They grow up so fast and although you're exhausted, you will always look back on this time as the best time.



answers from Atlanta on

My girfriend had issues with her twin girls, the same age.
They would pull down their pants and poo/pee in their room in the middle of the night.
Her Dr. told her to put the zip up pajamas on backwards, that way they couldn't unzip them and get the diapers off.
(Now if they figure out how to help each other, all bets are off!)
They were up every night, out of their beds... she finally started sleeping one in another room.. and since then it has stopped.



answers from Spartanburg on

Looks like you are gonna have to give them a comfort blanket or toy to sleep with them. It might be a good idea to separate them when it is nap and bed time. I never tried to potty train mine until 3 years old. I just put panties and underwear on them, and keep asking if they had to go, and rewarded them when they did good and d



answers from Atlanta on

Hi P.,
I cannot imagine how difficult this must be being by yourself and totally sleep deprived. My hope for you is that this season will be short.
My thoughts are these. Children should not wake up all night long. Yes, there could be periods of time where you change their sleep arrangments, etc, but I sense that this is more. If so, you may want to look deeper. Many children who have tummy problems wake up with gastointestional pain, bloating, reflux, etc.
I am sensitive to all you have on you, but here is what I suggest. Take them off all milk products (substitute rice milk and rice dream ice cream). That would include cheese and yogurt. Rice milk is equal in calcium and vit d. Snacks should have no casein or whey. This is not that tough for their age. Next, get them on proibotics (you can get good ones at a Natural food store, capsules can be emptied in juice or milk without taste) and chewable Zyme prime enzymes (find online - I like New Beginnings Nutritionals) with each meal. They taste like candy, the kids will love them. You may even find a great osteopath or chiropractor (I have a fabulous one in Suwannee, Dr. Richard Armond) to have them adjusted. It may take 4-6 visits, but it does help.
My son slept through the night for the first time at age 5.5 after removing milk for 3 days (it is not always that quick). We did alot more to get him sleeping at the right hours (8-8), but for me to get a whole nights sleep was terrific. It horrified me to realize he had been in pain and did not even know how to tell me. The doctor told me that many children with gastro problems have had pain and irritation from such a young age, that they did not even view it as something different, just something they could not control. Warm milk was what I gave him to get him back to sleep each time - only to have him wake in the next three hours after being up for so long.
Thoughts and prayers are with you, I remember how difficult that was.



answers from Atlanta on

My friend put her childs diapers on backwards so the tabs were in the back. On the sleeping .... thats a hard one. I made moons out of paper and gave my son a sticker to put on it each night he had a good night and I would give him jelly beans for a good night as well.

Thats about all I know. Both of my kids are great sleepers. They challenge me in other ways. I would make the twins take a nap during the day everyday, at least lay down in bed for quiet time.

Good luck!

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