I have a 5 year old boy too. He will be starting K next year and will also be homeschooled. I have been homeschooling my other children for 9 years now. My oldest will be graduating June 1st. My children are far from being sheltered. That is a huge myth about homeschooling. Studies have shown that homeschoolers are equally, if not more involved in outside activities than public schoolers. My 16 year old daughter was a competitive gymnast for years and traveled all over with her competitions. My youngest 3 boys play soccer in the local soccer league. My daughters have both attended prom and one of them even went to the local high school homecoming. Both girls have gone on a missions trip with our church. There is not a bubble around homeschoolers sheltering them from the others unless a parent puts that bubble there.
Here is an article on socialization: http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/144135.aspx It is from a Christian source so its perspective is pertaining to the Christian aspect, but the points on morals and socialization are valid whether you're Christian or not. We happen to be a Christian family and that is how I came upon the article (it was sent to me). I hope it helps some.
As far as having patience, that is an area both of you will grow in. Kids DO require patience whether you have them home or not. I have one extremely strong willed and defiant son that really put me through the wringer over the years (I even put him in public school for a while). I just kept on doing whatever I could with him and learning a lot of patience through it all. He turned 13 last summer and is doing amazing. He is so much calmer and making much better choices. Things did get worse when he was in school which is why I brought him back home. I really credit just being there and persevering through it all that he has turned it all around. I never gave up (even though I felt like it at times). With 6 children, I would say that we cover a lot of the various types of personalities out there. None of my children are alike so it has been an experience parenting them all. Not everyone will have an extremely defiant child and not everyone will be blessed with an extremely compliant child. Just take the time to get to really know your child and when you do, parenting will become a lot easier. You will learn what is effective with your son and what isn't.
As a parent of 3 teenagers, I can tell you that not everything they all say about teens is true. I love having my teens and they are NOT driving me crazy. I think that a lot of that has to do with the fact that we really know each other well and have built a solid relationship over the years. My oldest 2 teens are both girls and they have been a breeze! I will really miss them when they go off to college!
I just wanted to let you know that teaching your children is an extention of parenting. It isn't any easier or harder than parenting is. The resources out there to help you help you with homeschooling is amazing. There are so many groups and co-ops in the dfw area.
Let me know if you have any more questions. I would be happy to answer them for you.