Donations are HUGE (even small ones).
Headstones cost as much as a car. Not a lot of people save for headstones for their babies. But NO ONE wants their baby buried with just a little plaque with their name. Everyone I know who has buried their child (as opposed to cremation) wants a real, honest to god, this was MY baby, my son, my daughter... and I loved him more than my own life... monument. But most people can't afford real headstones, much less a monument. And cremation... that's still thousands of dollars. If you didn't take out life insurance on your child before they got sick... the liklihood of being able to afford their death is very slim. Esp. after long illness.
The electric company doesn't care if your child is dying. They will shut off your power until you catch up to current.
My friends who've lost their children knowing ahead of time ALL went into debt to try and get one last photoshoot with their kids in the hospital. (Usually outside in the grass if it was nice out. The hospital staff is on this. $500,000 worth of equipment is schlepped outside with a team of 5-20 people so mum and dad can have some family pictures taken in real sunshine). Sometimes photographers will donate their time... but an average shoot costs $500-$1000. For those last images of your kids... so much more important than wedding photos, etc. You want them done really, really, REALLY well.
Spent a lot of time around dying kids. They all know. The younger ones usually aren't afraid of it, though, they're terrified of their moms and dads being sad... and every dying toddler I've ever known goes huge huge huge lengths to try and make their parents smile. ((They also throw tantrums, will turn on side and just refuse to speak to you all day, etc. They're kids. But it's super crazy how much sick kids will go through to keep their parents from being sad. ))