I would recommend www.SeeMommyRun.com
Its free to join, you can get some exercise - most groups walk - you can meet other moms, set up some play dates and best part - Did I mention it's free!
I have a 19 month old son who is totally bored with sitting at home with mom. He needs some outside activities and going to the playground is not always an option. Any ideas? Low price is a must, on a strict budget. Thanks.
I would recommend www.SeeMommyRun.com
Its free to join, you can get some exercise - most groups walk - you can meet other moms, set up some play dates and best part - Did I mention it's free!
Smith Memorial Playground in Philadelphia is free. You can give a donation if you'd like. It's like a big playhouse for kids under 5. 3 floors of play. You can check it out online get hours and directions if you google it. It is located in Fairmount Park off of Kelly drive, a nice place to meet w/other moms and an inexpensive alternative to commercial activities. I see you're in Oreland, it might be a bit far for you. Good luck. M.
Hi J.
Check out your local library. Most local libaries usually have free activities for young children. My local libary offers book time/play time, family place parent child work shop, and pre-school stories, just to mention a few.
Hope that helps
Playgoroups are always helpful. I also try to take advantage of local museums and recreation since they sometimes have free days.
Good luck.