I had a hysterectomy at the age of 35, and haven't looked back. We left one ovary since I didn't want to go into menopause so young, and the other ovary often had cysts. Like you, I had massive fibroids and massive bleeding that caused periods that lasted 3 weeks or more.
My surgery was done almost 10 years ago and went smoothly. I had the surgery on a Thursday and went home the following Monday. It was done abdominally, as the fibroids were too big to go through the vagina. The pain in the hospital was fairly significant the first 24 hours or so until they were able to get it under control. My surgery was fairly major by the time I had it done. (Should have had it done earlier.) My recovery time was about 6 weeks or so, but pain wise, after we got it under control in the hospital, I only needed prescription meds the first two weeks or so (and the strength and dosage changed frequently during that time). I tapered off to tylenol after that. I don't remember the pain being all that bad. After I started using tylenol, I recall just being tender and being extra tired.
I have a scar that runs from my belly button to just above my pubic bone, but I can hardly see it. It took about a year to change color from a deep purple to a pale flesh color, and the scar was raised, and over that year, in flattened out and there are no bumps in it.
I'm wondering if they need to do yours abdominally, can they go through your c-section scar? That might make it easier for you.
I don't regret mine at all, and the recovery went extremely well. To be honest, it did have it's moments, especially in the hospital, when the pain was hard to control at times, but the care I had was wonderful. I did have a bit of an infection around the staples they used to close the incision but that cleared quickly by the use of antibiotics. I'm sure that by now that medicine has changed that they use other techniques to close incisions than staples!
What helped me the most to heal were positive thoughts, a good support system, and lots of friends. I really encourage you to have the surgery. Do keep in mind that while my surgery went well, no two experiences are the same, but I do think the surgery will make you feel much better in the end, and if you go in with a positive attitude you will do just fine.
Please feel free to PM if you have any, and I mean any, questions.
ETA: I have some suggestions for you regarding the surgery. The recovery time also depends on having a surgeon who has done this type of surgery before, is confident doing it, and also being in a top notch hospital. Are you outside Chicago? Do some research about the surgeons in your area, plus the hospitals. Ask around. Do you ave friends who have had similar procedures? Who do they recommend for hospitals and surgeons? Just a thought.