Hello S.,
I went through similiar circumstances after I gave birth, and I was snapping at my friends and family due to lack of sleep, and no time to myself. To be honest, the best way that I coped with it was being involved with playgroups, and being able to interact with other moms. Plus, I started to develop friendships with the other moms around me, my neighbors, and one mother in particular would watch my son off and on so that I could get some "me" time. Of course, this was after we had lunch and dinner for two months, once a week, sometimes three times a week. The best way is to get to know the mothers in your neighborhood and develop friendships, or join a moms group, develop friendships, so that once in awhile you can ask them to babysit, and do a babysitting swap. When I lived in Boston, MA, there was actually a group of parents who started a parenting resource network, mostly for parents to get to know other parents in the neighborhood so that they can buddy up with babysitting needs. Mainly, the cost of daycare being through the roof, and finding reliable babysitters, parents realized that if they relied on eachother, that is even better because they have children themselves, and wouldn't jeapodardize the life of someone else's child, etc. So, that is my suggestion, get to know parents in your area, join your local Family Network, and get involved. It takes your mind off of everything.