I'm sorry to hear about your new situation. My hubby is a numbers man and we go into great detail with our planning, savings, daughter's funds, etc. He has given me a list of things to do if something were to happen to him and the 1 thing I listed below is on the top of the list.
One thing we feel is important for anyone with a major life change just yas you've had is.....DO NOT make any drastic decisions right away. Give yourself time to let the news soak in and think about your options objectively and not emotionally.
With all due respect to MLM'rs, this is not the time to be investing in a program where you are having to sell something and sign people up where the person or person's who sign you up will get the first benefit before you see anything. Most of these opportunities require an investment. You need to put your $ elsewhere right now so that ALL you have can work for YOU.
Your husband needs you for support emotionally. Be his cheerleader and try to help keep his spirits up. I can't imagine how hard this is, especially for so many families right now.
The idea of your hubby watching the children is a good one because that could cut back on child care $$ plus give him some quality time with his children. He would need some type of care for them so he can interview.
As far as him getting a job in his field right away, I hope that is the case, however, a lot of people have to take jobs that they are not crazy about for benefits such as insurance.
Hopefully, your hubby got some severence and the COBRA option. By law you are supposed to have the option to have COBRA insurance. The COBRA insurance is very pricey. We just did 3 months of it for our family of 3 in great health in the midst of a change and it was $1500 a month.
I am not familiar with the CHIP program, that might be a good option. I feel that insurance is something you do not need to skimp on even if you get the bare minimum.
He should also be eligible for unemployment. Go to the office and file for it. Every little bit helps...
Just because you cut back rates with some companies before does not mean do not ask again. Your circumstances have changed. You never know what you might be able to work out until you ask. I would not be late on any payments and if you see that you are, call the company first.
Lastly......DO NOT run up credit card bills, lines of credit, etc. That will only put you in a never ending cycle of debt.
Best wishes to you..