My husband had brownish spots on his skin in the winter, but they didn't tan with the rest of his skin in the summer, so they were also whitish depending on the season. I was worried as well, but after some research online, I found out that it is due to...I'm trying hard to remember...something commonly found on the skin - something naturally there, but grows in moist conditions - it seemed particularly common for men and is perhaps hormone related...can't remember the specifics, sorry. Anyhow, when he gets it, he is able to clear it up with dandruff shampoo - we use the selson blue knock off. Occassionally he will ask me to rub Tecnu on it, but we came up with that one ourselves, so I don't know the science behind that. The dandruff shampoo solution was the solution proposed by the website. My husband had it for years as well prior to seeking to do anything about it...men!