Yes, preschool can be productive because of its scheduling... BUT... free time is esential also.
I am a daycare provider and recently went to a showing of a documentary... PLEASE watch what they have on this site...
The standards of what kids "need" to know to get into school is insane... I have not sent my kids to any kind of preschool... No, my 4 yr old can not read... But he knows his numbers, letters, colors, etc... By sight and to write them. He rhymes and LOVES puzzles and thinking games...
I do more of the EVERYTHING is a learning oportunity. When on a walk we are looking for colors or letters, etc. He is a bodily kinestetic learner and processes things better by coupling it with movement.
My almost 8 yr old can read a 100 page chapter book in one day. And retain the book to discuss later. She did not go to "preschool" either.
You may be suprized about the structuring of a daycare center. Yes, there is free play... But it is structured free play. Why? Kids need scheduling... Especially when there are a lot of them together. It may not seem to be structured to some, but just cause they arn't sitting at a desk doing book work does not mean that the "tactile crafts" are not structured. :-)
Personally, I agree with hubby. The only difference between MOST daycare centers and preschool classes are the title. It just sounds better for the parents to say their kids in "preschool" instead of "daycare"... Just like a daycare provider would rather refer to their job as "daycare" and not "babysitting", a "sanitary worker" instead of a "garbage man" etc... :-) (I am refering to centers and SOME home daycare set ups. Yes, there are those that are totally unstructured, but those are usually unlicensed. To be licensed you have to submit a plan of your typical day and have it approved.)