they'll stop producing milk, for starters.
yes, they'll stop being sore, and return to their old size (although, sadly, probably not their old shape.)
I have weaned my 3 month old down to two breastfeeds a day, I've had to supplement with formula since she was 2 weeks old and am returning to work. Today is day one of all formula. What I'd like to know is, how do I tell when they're done drying up? Will they stop hurting?
they'll stop producing milk, for starters.
yes, they'll stop being sore, and return to their old size (although, sadly, probably not their old shape.)
If you've been weaning down - you're already familiar with how it goes, and it's no different. You just go through some discomfort. Then you realize you no longer have that discomfort. For me, I had weaned it down to one feed (at night) and stopped, and then within a day or two, there wasn't that discomfort. That's why they say do it gradually, and it's the easiest.
Compresses (cold) if you need to. Warm I think stimulates the milk flow - so cool ice packs I believe is the way to go if you need relief. It won't take long.
They just don't have that fullness or tingling and discomfort. **You're just not aware of them.
It sounds like you expect your milk dries up before you totally wean. In reality your milk will not dry up as long as you"re breast feeding, even when you're only feeding once per day.
If you've just started work your baby will be confused. I suggest that stopping all breast feedings as well as going back to work at the same time.is a double whammy. He has to adjust to two major changes at the same time. Just one change is stressful for both of you. Two will be stressful especially for a baby. He may become.cranky, have difficulty sleeping, be angry, cry more than usual and more. I suggest you maintain the evening until he's used to not having you during the day.
You will stop hurting eventually.
Keep some cool compresses on them when you can and eventually they will stop trying to produce milk.
Your doctor might be able to tell you more.
In my moms day (this was the 1960's) - everyone bottle fed.
She said the doctor just gave her a shot and that stopped her milk production almost right away.
I don't know if they do that now but it wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor about it.
Welcome to mamapedia, M.
Your breasts will stop producing milk - that's when you have "dried up".
You know you can still pump while at work, right? You don't have to give up breast feeding right now - there are great, discreet breast pumps you can use to continue to give your daughter natural breast milk.
If you are HURTING?? you might want to go to your OB/GYN to ensure you don't have mastitis - a clogged milk duct - which can hurt like the dickens!!
Congratulations on your little one! Good luck with the breast pain!~
You will know! Although it was a long time ago, I remember going through this with my first. We went from once a day to none. By about 2 1/2 days out I was in bad shape so I nursed her again because feeding the baby is so much more effective than pumping. I felt better and never had the terrible feeling of discomfort again. Good luck! Regarding the shot to stop milk production – that has gone out of favor in the medical community . The effectiveness of the medication was not very good but the side effects were potentially horrible. I researched it once myself because I am very slow to dry up and distinctly recall that stroke was a significant side effect.