The spoon: he's young enough to eat with his fingers. He's also old enough that when you feed him with a spoon, he will probably grab at it. I would have a spoon ready for him, but let him eat finger foods. Also, let him watch you guys eat, with utensils. When he wants to use one, he'll reach for one. Then you can let him experiment -- who cares if he bites it or chews on it? It won't break. And if he throws it ? I'd leave it on the floor. That way he'll figure it out -- if he really wants to have it, he won't toss it away. :-)
The sippy cup? I am pragmatic. Although you get stuck buying new cups, you are building a supply of cups without covers that can be used later for snacks and at mealtimes. I am also kind of a "do it the easy way" kind of mom. If he really likes his sippy cup, I would let him use it. It's not hurting anyone (depending on the price), and it's not something he'll still be doing at age 10. My oldest went directly from a bottle to a glass cup. As did #2. #3 LOVED her bottle, so whenever she had a drink in the afternoon, she got it in a bottle, something my mother HATED, but I was pregnant, and I didn't want to take it away, then have her jealous because the BABY got a bottle and she couldn't have one. She gave up the bottle when she wanted to. And it didn't cause any stress on her part or ours. None of my kids have really used sippy cups much. although I still have some old tupperware ones, and as early teens, they got them out and used them once ! What a laugh. But they DO minimize spills !! :-)