Birth control pills all the way!!! If you are planning on taking the pill or if you are on a half dose pill, call your doctor and get the full strength pill. You will notice your milk supply diminish within the first few days. The more you pump the more your body is going to produce. I'm not saying dont pump at all bc your breasts will be hard and uncomfortable. I would pump/nurse only when my breasts would get that hard. Expressing a small amount with your hands in a hot shower will relieve some of the fullness too. Ive heard also about putting cabbage leaves around your nipples in a bra can help and stay away from oatmeal bc it can produce more milk?!? I would say it took me a good 5-6 weeks before i was completely dry but i wasnt producing enough to be uncomfortable around 3 weeks. If you are not getting back on the pill it can take longer but you wouldnt need a pump if you dont mind a hot shower. (who wouldnt after a baby or two!!!) I nursed for 3.5 months and i couldnt keep up the demand for my hungry little boy. It was a very hard desicion for me to stop but he is happy and healthy and that is all that matters! I give myself a pat on the shoulder for doing it that long and i give you a pat on your shoulder for doing it this long. Congratulations on your twins; enjoy them while they are little bc they grow super fast!