Its always good to keep practicing, be I think hes too young to completely get it right now. I would keep encouring his interests but he probably wont be completely pottytrained until hes 2-2 1/2 years old.
My 19 month has been showing signs of potty readiness for awhile now. We bought a potty chair about a month ago & he has gone poo-poo in it 4 or so times. He is able to tell us when he is pooping (or about to) but doesn't give any indication of knowing when he has peed. He wears disposable diapers and someone suggested using cloth for awhile to help him feel when he is wet. I also have read about letting them go naked during the day to help them recognize when they peed. Are there any other ideas? We did have a set back with the poo-pooing because he sometimes gets constipated and then doesn't tell us when he is pooping and/or refuses to go on the potty chair, so we have stopped using the chair for awhile until he starts seeming more comfortable again. Any thoughts?
Its always good to keep practicing, be I think hes too young to completely get it right now. I would keep encouring his interests but he probably wont be completely pottytrained until hes 2-2 1/2 years old.
My son is 21 months now, and is almost completely potty trained. He started to show interest at 19 months also, so I bought a potty seat and said what happens, happens. He was the one who wanted to do it, and was so happy to be sitting on it and going. I give him a mini m&m when he pees, and 2 when he poops. I think he is still really young, so I do use pull ups when we go out, although most of the time he does still tell me when he needs to go. I just call his pull ups his underwear also. If you are wanting him to realize when he's going, the best thing you can do is put him in regular underwear at home, and let him have some accidents. I would recommend taking him potty every 30 minutes when you are at home in underwear during the "training" time. If he goes in the potty a few times he can start to recognize what muscles are needed to go. Sometimes at this age they are just too young to control those muscles, or just don't know which ones to use. My son will sit there, and use those muscles to start and stop his urine. This is something to look for if your son doesn't start to get how to use those muscles, it may be too early. One last thing is to make potty fun...we sing songs, and read books. Maybe buy a really cool book that you only keep in the bathroom, so when he's sitting for a few minutes you can look at it. Good luck!
My boys were almost two and three. My aunt says she potty trained all four of her by 1. Im not sure I believe that but she's not prone to lying. I think if that's going to happen you have to be very diligent. Something I wasn't working part time. I think they recognize it but it's usually too late because they are playing or something else and not thinking about that.
Dont let any one tell you he is too young. If he is showing an interest, it can be done. although at this age you have to also use some understanding, he may be mentally ready but need a few months for his body to catch up. Just go with the flow, use cloth underwear so he can feel the wetness.
Here's my take on the situation:
At this age your child should be in complete control of how fast or slow they go when it comes to potty training. The best thing you can do for your child at this age is put him in the easiest clothes you can that are easy to pull up and down. Leave some wet ones and hand sanitizer next to the potty chair and teach him to clean his hands. Let him decide when he wants to go and leave him to it. If he is unable to get his clothes up and down it's too early. What in the world is the point of having a child supposedly trained when they are unable to do it themselves? Also, if they are unable to understand the concept of germs and would not wash their hands by themselves, then they should not be fooling around with germ filled stools and peeing!
I personally think it's too young to even be talking about it. I am highly offended at how soon people try and push children into potty training. I just think it's a lot more about money and parents being tired of diapers usually. I know that you are seeing signs of readiness. That's good. And it is amazing he has gone potty # 2 in the toilet at his age. So I'm sure you are not only thinking of money. I just wish in general people didn't push their kids to grow up so fast. You are only going to be missing his little baby days. Please TRUST me on this! My girls are 8, 18, 22 and 24. The 2nd actually just now turns 22 on Sunday. All these birthdays and milestones only make me sad now. I miss my babies.